Founders Legacy OOC Asylum

January 27th, 2008

Founders Legacy OOC Asylum


January 27th, 2008

11/19/94 to 11/25/94

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Draco and Millicent talk about humiliation


The Prophet: The Boy Who Lived Enters Tri-Wizard Tourament!
The reaction to the Prophet article in the Great Hall
Harry finds out about the dragons for the First Task


Tonks visits Gideon at the Broomsticks
Chopper and Andie spend some time together
Charlie goes into town and talks with his uncle


More fun in the Ravenclaw dorms


The First Task!
Charlie and Snape spend more time together

Announcing: The Daily Prophet!

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So, with the first Article about the Tri-Wizard Tournament going up, we thought it would be nice to have an actual selection of reporters so that people could write their own articles for the Daily Prophet.  We have created a journal with DP icons for 5 different reporters.  Any articles would need the final draft to be checked and cleared by a mod before posting, so that we don't end up with a ton of posts about one storyline and nothing else, but once it is cleared, you'll be given the password to post it yourself.

The Reporters )
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