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♒ and the ships are left to rust.

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darkness will fall ♔ we're all trainwrecks [11 Apr 2016|02:40pm]

When Kitty had first come to the Justice League Dark headquarters it had felt too big. She had been so used to her cell in Arkham, she missed the small space. The idea of being able to come and go as she pleased was almost unsettling. She hadn't expected Bane to come with her. Superman would cause more problems in the long run he had said. Besides, he was the only one who was going to kill Batman.

Kitty hadn't really wanted to join the Insurgency at first. She didn't want to fight. During her recovery in Arkham Sherlock and Penny had taught her a lot of things. She had even helped on some cases they were consulting on for the GCPD (unofficially of course). Sherlock had taught her about detective work and deductive reasoning. Penny taught her how to control her magic, about spells even if Kitty wasn't comfortable using it.

She didn't realize her brother was part of the Insurgency until a few days after she arrived. She had heard what happened to Cheryl and her daughter. They had never been close. The age gap had made that difficult. She had felt sad but she hadn't cried. Kitty had her hood up during the meeting when she spotted John. It had been years since she had seen him. Even though she told herself she hated him over and over she used the nickname he had given her as her name now. She wouldn't have said anything to him, would have tried to keep who she was from him for as long as she could but then Harley had to go and say her name. Had to ask why her pretty brother was so mean.

Kitty was pacing the room Sherlock had taken over as his thinking space. Documents and photos were plastered over the walls. Most of them having to deal with someone known as M, Sherlock's nemesis. Someone who was tied with too many cases. So much death. Someone who seemed to enjoy taunting Sherlock with all the things he could get away with.

Sherlock hadn't really wanted to join the Insurgency at first. Until Kitty he had kept far away from suits and magic and things he couldn't find an explanation for. Then he met Penny. He hadn't expected to actually start caring for her, or wanting to be a better person because of her. Relationships weren't something he really did before. He wasn't good at them, or good for them. Yet here they were and he considered Penny and Kitty family.

His skills weren't good for something like this. This wasn't a fight where he could use his mind.

Kitty picked up a folder from the floor and began to flip through it. Despite all her training from Penny sometimes she still lost control of her magic. It had happened at Arkham once, sending one of the orderlys to the hospital. She didn't want to think about magic right now. She wanted a distraction.

She could feel Sherlock's eyes on her from the doorway.

"Moriarty," she said. "That's his name."

"Yes," Sherlock put his hands in his coat pocket and stepped inside. He had figured that out a few days ago, but they'd been too busy dealing with the regime to really talk about it. Besides he wanted to see if Kitty could figure it out on her own.

He'd been worried about Kitty since she arrived at the headquarters, especially since Bane had been with her. He didn't really understand their relationship - whatever it was. Harley Quinn had been Kitty's psychiatrist before the Joker had gotten to her so their friendship made sense. Penny was so much better at dealing with this stuff than he was.

"I wonder who's side he's on," Kitty mused slightly then put the file down, then she began to flip through another.

[15 Oct 2015|01:23am]

Lara was starting to think this was a bad idea. She was already uncertain when it came to working alongside someone again, especially after what happened on Yamatai. In the rare times she had spoken to her shrink she had said she'd go it alone - that it was safer, better for everyone. Yet here she was with Nathan Drake. Sam had decided that the two of them would be a couple, that they'd make perfect babies who went off into the world to raid uncharted tombs.

Lara liked Nate - for the most part. Being around people was still awkward for her. She had withdrawn from Sam quite a bit before going off to India. Sam had seemed to move on from everything that had happened, but Lara couldn't. Maybe it was better that way, because that would keep her safe. Because as much as Lara loved her friend she wasn't about to give up her need to keep exploring, to keep finding new things. She had gotten a taste for what was really out there in the world and she wanted more of it.

"This way," their guide said. "Almost there."

They were being led to the middle of the Indian jungle. To a temple they apparently would never have been able to find on their own. It was the sort of place you only knew about if you had seen it, the place the parents probably told stories to their children about - stories to keep them out.

"Didn't he say that an hour ago?" Lara glanced at her watch and then at Nate.

She hadn't liked the idea of a guide, not really. That meant trusting someone - and that was complicated. Still he had been the only one willing to take them to the temple, everyone else had seemed afraid. Maybe the stories weren't just told to the children.

( just share the damn bed with me meme ) [22 Aug 2015|08:43pm]

For whatever reason, the floor is an unacceptable place to sleep. It's messy, the dog is there, THE FLOOR IS LAVA, there's flooding, or it's too dirty to walk on. Who cares why it's not acceptable, it just isn't! Normally, that's not an issue, but tonight you have a friend over. Maybe it's the safest place, maybe it's hurricane season and your house is the only one out of the path of the storm. Are they mooching off you? Stop trying to figure out the details! Just get over it and share the bed with that person! Sexy times are not required. Intimacy is not required. Just share the damn bed already.

Do you need options? DO YOU? Here! Have some options!

1) It's late. You're tired. Too tired to drive and THE FLOOR IS LAVA.
2) It's late. You're drunk. Too drunk. Honestly, how did you drink that much and not die? Should we take you to the hospital? Here, just stay in this bed with me. No, you can't sleep on the floor. THE FLOOR IS LAVA.
3) It's early. You thought you'd just come by and visit but you can barely function. The bed seems inviting. Guess what, you're invited into the bed! Yes. The bed. Not the floor... THE FLOOR IS LAVA.
4) DO YOU LIKE TO CUDDLE? CUDDLING IS OKAY. And yes, the floor is lava.
5) WILDCARD. Just figure out a reason why you need to share the bed. But don't forget: the floor is lava!
6) The Crack Fun Insane Option - Actually play the Floor is Lava Game!! Move about the room without touching the floor... because the floor is seriously lava.

darkness will fall ♔ 25 seconds, your heart will stop resting. [19 Aug 2015|01:11am]

It had been some time since Jim Gordon had called on her expertise. The mythical Batman seemed to be able to handle the underhanded detective side of Gotham. Besides, the Justice League Dark had their hands in anything magical that wasn't as it was supposed to be. Not that she minded in the slightest when she saw the message from Gordon. He was an old friend. Penny could easily recall what he looked like when he started out on the force, working with Harvey Bullock and going case by case into the crime scene of Gotham.

That was how they had met. He found her as he was investigating something he shouldn't have been. Gordon let her handle it on the promise that it wouldn't require him to get involved. Gordon had learned that somethings in Gotham weren't for the P.D. to handle. Not yet anyways.

It took pulling some strings to get her into Arkham Asylum and Penny was aware of it. Which was why she came prepared for anything that an inimate could throw at her. The fancy "bracelet" was on her hand as always, but Penny made sure not to alarm anyone about what it was she truly carried on her person. Not everyone needed to know about Gwynedd.

Penny passed through security and nodded in thanks to the men and women in uniform. A smile popped on her face as she saw the familiar aged face of Jim Gordon. How time flew. He looked up at her from his paperwork, glasses sliding down his face. Penny affectionately placed a kiss on his cheek as par their usual greeting.

"You do that and Barbara might think we're engaged one of these days, Penny." Gordon joked with her. Penny returned with a sound that sounded like a laugh. "I hope I wasn't interrupting anything important on your side of the world."

She shook her head and raised her hands. Her fingers flew quickly as she signed. (I always make time for old friends, Jim.)

"Old is right." He closed the file folder. "Anyways, I have one more person joining us. I figured with this case two consultants would be better than none."

Two. That was interesting. If it was the infamous Batman, no doubt he was already lurking in the shadows somewhere. Instead Penny simply placed her hands in her coat and looked around, waiting for said consultant to just magically appear.

[04 Jul 2015|11:23am]


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take me to church ✟ don't cry for the ghost and the storm outside [27 May 2015|08:08pm]

Zed didn't know why she was so nervous. John had assured her more than once that her situation wasn't the same as Chris'. So really, what did she have to worry about? It was just that she found it hard to believe that they were both psychics with brain tumours could be a coincidence. Were brain tumours really that common? She should have been happy. She and John were together again - there was no questioning that now. He hadn't said the exact words, but he in his own way he had told her he loved her. She really should have listened to Constantine when he came from the alternate universe. He had told her to just kiss John. The moment she had had been dizzying, it was almost like a bolt of lighting and like that they were once again a them. That intoxicating electricity was back and she couldn't get enough of it - which was probably why she felt a bit sore. It was a good thing she had brought another skirt to wear, it meant there wasn't as much fabric. She was wearing her grey patterned skirt, and grey t-shirt with the leather harness vest. Despite the discomfort Zed knew that if John was up for another round there was no way she'd be able to say no to him. For a moment she couldn't help but smile recalling what had happened this morning, she hadn't expected him to put her into a vision like that morning. She almost wished she was back there right now.

Zed shifted in her seat slightly. She couldn't help but feel nervous and a little paranoid about everything. As much as she wanted to meet Chris there was a part of her that just wanted to hide away from the world curled up in bed with John. They didn't even need to be intimate, she just wanted to be there with him. As they got ready to go out she had wondered what it might be like to do normal things - not that they could ever do normal. Could they? Zed couldn't really imagine either of them doing a domestic sort of life - they'd get bored, and old habits died hard. If they survived the Rising Darkness, Zed was sure the two of them would spend months avoiding the rest of the world but then something would happen and they'd be back in the game (even when they beat the Rising Darkness, there would probably always be something).

She was sitting next to John in the Hard Rock Cafe as they waited for Chris. She had already downed one beer now she was just jittery. It wasn't just the fact they both had tumours it was that Chris was another psychic. She had never met another one before and for some reason realizing she was going to unnerved her, even if she didn't know why.

ride on through the night 🌠 ne me quitte pas. [20 Apr 2015|11:11pm]

Dany isn't sure if she feels more angry or more hurt. Of all the people to betray her it had been Jorah. Jorah. The man she had come to count on for his advice, and to be her friend. Yet the entire time he had been there because of the Usurper. She had trusted him and he had betrayed her. It did not matter that he had said he had saved her life, her life had still been endangered because of his actions. Then of all things to have the gall to claim he loved her.

As soon as Jorah had left the hall she had gone to her quarters demanding to be left alone, save for being given a fresh bottle of wine. There were things she needed to process, and right now Dany didn't want to see anyone. She barely said anything when the wine was delivered and as soon as the girl was gone Dany went right for the bottle and poured herself a goblet full.

She did not turn around when she heard footsteps behind her, she knew them well enough to know who it was without turning around. Dany sighed slightly and too another sip from her goblet.

"Did you know?" she asked. She downs the rest of her wine before finally turning around. "Who he really was?"

take me to church ♔ there's an art to life's distractions to somehow escape the burning weight. [28 Mar 2015|02:16am]

Corrigan had apologized to her practically at every chance he had in their short exchange. They had no idea the connection she had to Peyton. She didn't blame them - how could any of them have known? Penny kept her long life a secret from as many people as she could. Corrigan and Sherlock only knew about Peyton because he had approached them first.

Penny waved away his apologies. She had been the one to go after Peyton. There was history that had to be settled between them. She didn't expect them to understand or even begin to empathize with her. How could you empathize with something that had gone on for just a few years short of a century? Still, Corrigan insisted, and held her bandaged hands in his. Penny managed a smile for him and he gave her a card. It was the address to the bar he frequented - she recognized the name from the one that Zed had told her about - and told her to order what she wanted on his tab. Penny was about to refuse his offer, but the look in his eyes made her stop. Jim Corrigan had an odd intensity in his eyes that told her he understood the need for justice outside the law. It was almost unnerving.

She was free to go. Peyton wasn't holding any charges against her - probably because he knew he had invited it. Penny nodded and thanked Corrigan as she shifted her jacket back on. Her hands had been bandaged as best as they could be. Peyton had thrown her off of him and she went falling back against the mirror. Penny had learned years ago that anything could be a weapon. She grabbed a shard of the glass after her hands had been cut by them and went at him again. If Sherlock hadn't interfered then she would have killed him for good. Was it good that he had stopped her?

Penny stepped into the bar and walked up to the bartender. She showed him the card that Corrigan had given her and gestured to a bottle of beer. The bartender quickly caught on that she couldn't speak and handed it off to her with a smile. Penny nodded to him in return and picked a table in the back that was away from everyone. She sat down at the table and pulled the sleeves that poked out from under the jacket over the bandages on her hands.

How long had she sat there staring at her bottle? She hadn't touched it. Her purse was at her feet but Penny felt miles away. It was one of those moments where she felt disconnected from the time around her. He was still dead, so at least that hadn't changed. Instead she was left feeling numb and yet in pain at the same time. Penny sniffed before brushing the edge of her sleeve against her eyes. Why did ghosts of the past haunt her when she had destroyed what tied her to the underworld? Damn John Constantine for not giving her any direction on what to do now.

( storyline masterlist ) [25 Mar 2015|10:40pm]

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darkness will fall ♛ history. [12 Mar 2015|08:53pm]


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