December 8th, 2008

[info]jameswarren in [info]lechance

Note sent to Paul- Monday morning

The second banns are read! Our wedding grows ever closer, and my heart feels full of joy at the thought.

Are you perhaps available today to meet with me? I have much to share with you. My journal becomes ever more full of fine words about you, my Ascendant, and yes, dare I say it, my love. Scarce a waking moment passes without your presence in it, and Paul, how I long to share my life with you.

Always your Beloved,

[info]music_man in [info]lechance


It was the middle of the afternoon so there were only a few patrons scattered around the tables at the Black Sheep. It would pick up again at dinner but, for now, it was quiet. Obediah had taken a corner booth for himself, feet propped up and distant expression on his face. He was contemplating the future.

Finally, he penned a note requesting an official courting call if Charles was available. He sent it and Mrs. Jenkins to the Beloveds' hotel and then returned to his contemplation as he waited for either a note or the man himself to appear.

[info]touch_type in [info]lechance

A letter to Obediah

Sir: I have begun to think, oddly and frequently, of food. )

[info]doctorroberts in [info]lechance

Tuesday morning, open

Paul's habit of late night walks meant that he was rarely awake early enough for excursions before consulting hours in the mornings. A restless night, though, had resulted in him deciding that further pursuit of slumber would be counterproductive, and he'd risen quietly not to disturb the household, pulled on his jacket, and turned his steps towards the town, rather than away from it.

On seeing another person approaching, he raised his hat politely. "Early to be about," he observed.

[info]doctorroberts in [info]lechance

Monday afternoon, James

Paul had checked his appointments for the afternoon, made certain that Elspeth would know where to send for him if necessary, and was waiting by the front steps of the museum. Despite the clement weather, his long coat was buttoned smartly over his suit and his hat, of course, neatly on his head. Thin leather gloves covered his hands, which he pulled from his pockets at the sight of James and Harry approaching, going to meet them with a smile.

"Harry, thank you. Mr. Warren, I trust you are well this day?"