Leaky Cauldron RPG

About the Game

The Leaky Cauldron is a Post-DH RPG set in 2014!

Game Calendar


January 25th, 2014


Character Development #1

So, pick one thing from your character's list of favorite things, and explain why it's his or her favorite. You can post as a comment to this post, or in your character journal and just link here. It can be a 3rd person narrative scene, or a 1st person journal entry. Or something else like a gif set with commentary. Just explain all their FEELS about their favorite thing (food, book, moment in life, etc.--whatever you want really.) If you like, reply in character to other character's comments and strike up friendships over shared favorites!

If you post in your character journal, please don't f-lock it and please remember to leave a link in a comment here. Once you've commented or left a link, please add your character tag. If there are any questions just leave them in the thread labled "Questions".