An AU Harry Potter RPG

The year is 2017 and it's been 9 years since the Battle of Hogwarts. The magical world is slowly moving away from its splintered past and towards a new future. And then they Return.

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Posts Tagged: 'character:+marlene+mckinnon'

Apr. 23rd, 2017



[No Subject]

who ? dorcas meadowes and marlene mckinnon
when ? sunday morning, 23rd april
where ? dorcas' house
what ? terribly looking cake
status ? complete

I hope you're in a need of an ugly cake. )

Apr. 20th, 2017



[No Subject]

who ? elise kirke-harris and marlene mckinnon
when ? early thursday evening, 20th april
where ? elise's house
what ? pre-date things
status ? complete

Are you excited? Or a bit nervous? You shouldn’t be. Boys are just boys, we’re prettier and nicer than them, so if you remember that, then there’s no reason to be worried. )

Apr. 19th, 2017



[No Subject]

who ? Padma Patil and Marlene McKinnon.
when ? Wednesday 19th April, 5.03pm.
where ? Outside Scribbulus Writing Implements.
what ? Padma is running late.
warnings/rating ? SFW.
status ? Completed in gdocs.

She knew people really liked stationary, but crying over not being able to get some seemed a bit... excessive. )

Apr. 12th, 2017



[No Subject]

who ? remus lupin and marlene mckinnon
when ? late wednesday morning, 12th april
where ? remus’ house
what ? celebratory breakfast?
status ? complete

Wow, you look old. )

Mar. 13th, 2017



[No Subject]

who ? lily potter and marlene mckinnon
when ? monday evening, 13th march, 2017
where ? lily's house
what ? bffs being bffs, idk
status ? complete

So no one's still explained to me what a basic white bitch is. )

Mar. 9th, 2017



[No Subject]

who ? Arran Higgs, Marlene McKinnon & Jareth Dorney.
when ? Thursday 9th March, after the 6.10 showing of Kong: Skull Island.
where ? Leicester Square.
what ? Awkward x3.
warnings/rating ? SFW.
status ? Completed in gdocs.

I will give you that he’s kinda hot, if a little old for my tastes, but I can understand why you’d be okay with seeing him again, if only for the eye-candy value? )

Mar. 8th, 2017



[No Subject]

who ? Jareth Dorny and Marlene McKinnon
when ? Wednesday, March 8, early afternoon
where ? Jareth’s flat
what ? Kittens!!
warnings/rating ? SFW
status ? Complete

You can be like their kitten-fairy-godmother )

Mar. 7th, 2017



[No Subject]

who ? Jareth Dorny, Andrew Kirke, and Marlene McKinnon
when ? Monday 27th February, afternoon [backdated]
where ? IDK Studios
what ? Jareth’s audition for Pretty Fixation
status ? Completed in GDocs

I feel that I should warn you that I've been told I am unfairly judgemental of people who are terrible singers but are just trying to have fun when it comes to karaoke )

Feb. 26th, 2017



[No Subject]

Owl to Marlene McKinnon )

Feb. 25th, 2017



[No Subject]

who ? Jareth Dorny and Marlene McKinnon
when ? Saturday, February 25th, early evening
where ? Bethany Village
what ? Two Returneds meeting for the first time
warnings/rating ? SFW
status ? Complete

Read more... )

[No Subject]

who ? arran higgs and marlene mckinnon
when ? 11am saturday morning, 25th february
where ? the leaky, then a muggle cafe
what ? a date!
status ? complete

Marlene was not nervous. She'd been on plenty of dates before. )

Feb. 23rd, 2017


[No Subject]

who ? andrew kirke and marlene mckinnon
when ? thursday afternoon, 23rd february
where ? IDK Studios
what ? marlene's auditioning for pretty fixation
status ? compelte

Andrew had more than enough Gulliver's Dragons records at home, Evan would be thrilled if he got rid of even one. )

Feb. 21st, 2017


[No Subject]

who ? arran higgs and marlene mckinnon
when ? early tuesday morning, 21st february
where ? diagon alley
what ? mud 1 : 0 marlene
status ? complete

She gave it a small tug only to no avail. Marlene was literally stuck in the mud. )