An AU Harry Potter RPG

The year is 2017 and it's been 9 years since the Battle of Hogwarts. The magical world is slowly moving away from its splintered past and towards a new future. And then they Return.

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Posts Tagged: 'character:+chloe+pucey'

Dec. 11th, 2017



[No Subject]

who ? Max Davies and Chloe Pucey.
when ? Monday 10th December, after work.
where ? Oxford Street.
what ? Christmas lights and discussion of sex.
warnings/rating ? Non-explicit discussion of sex.
status ? Completed in gdocs.

You have much better cooking times with Roger than Arran, last time I just got disgusting, barbecued pumpkin )

Dec. 9th, 2017



[No Subject]

owl to max davies )



[No Subject]

who ? arran higgs and chloe pucey
when ? saturday evening, 9th december
where ? chloe's flat
what ? day 9 of advent calendar
rating ? nsfw
status ? complete

“Sixteen days until Christmas,” Chloe informed Arran like she actually was an advent calendar. )

Dec. 3rd, 2017



[No Subject]

who ? Open to invited guests.
when ? Sunday 3rd December, afternoon.
where ? Chloe's flat.
what ? Arm knitting and birthday celebrations.
warnings/rating ? Please mark anything NSFW in comment headers.
status ? Open.

He called for his needles and he called for his wool and he knitted himself a crown )

Dec. 1st, 2017



[No Subject]

who ? Arran Higgs and Chloe Pucey.
when ? Friday 1st December, afternoon.
where ? Chloe's flat.
what ? Advent calendar shenanigans.
rating ? nc-17
status ? Completed in gdocs.

You're so devious, are you sure you weren't in Slytherin? )

Nov. 28th, 2017



[No Subject]

Delivered by owl )

Nov. 25th, 2017



[No Subject]

who ? arran higgs and chloe pucey
when ? saturday evening, 25th november
where ? arran's house
what ? christmas decorations!
warnings ? nsfw
status ? complete

Are you just staring at my arse? )

Nov. 24th, 2017



[No Subject]

owl to marcus flint )

Nov. 23rd, 2017



[No Subject]

who ? kip bundy and chloe pucey
when ? thursday evening
where ? kip's flat
what ? crafts
status ? complete

I'm going to ask Seb. He makes Christmas tree toppers and penis-shaped mushrooms, I'm sure he can do some antlers for a few pudgy puffskeins. )

Nov. 20th, 2017



Birthday Invitations

Delivered by Owl )



[No Subject]

who ? max davies and chloe pucey
when ? monday lunchtime, 20th november
where ? max's office
what ? friendly lunch
status ? complete

I told your secretary I'm your sister-in-law, so you better not blow my cover. )

Nov. 19th, 2017



[No Subject]

who ? tessa and chloe pucey
when ? sunday afternoon, 19th
where ? the pucey parents’ house
what ? sisterly house-sitting
status ? complete

What fruit would you marry? )

Nov. 12th, 2017



[No Subject]

who ? arran higgs and chloe pucey
when ? sunday early evening, 12th novemeber
where ? chloe's flat
what ? lazy sundays
warnings ? nsfw
status ? complete

Evidently Arran had not frozen his nose off, because it was - to Chloe's delight - still attached to Arran's face. )

Nov. 10th, 2017



[No Subject]

Owl to Kipling Bundy, Max & Siobhan Davies, Arran Higgs & Chloe Pucey, Elise Kirke-Harris, Adrian Pucey & Gemma Higgs, Ronnie Smythe )

Nov. 6th, 2017



[No Subject]

Owl to Andrew Kirke )

Nov. 5th, 2017



[No Subject]

who ? Arran Higgs and Chloe Pucey.
when ? Sunday 5th November, evening.
where ? A beach.
what ? Fireworks.
warnings/rating ? Mild references to warfare. / NSFW.
status ? Completed in gdocs.

Why are you squeezing me? )



[No Subject]

who ? Max Davies and Chloe Pucey.
when ? Sunday 5th November, lunch.
where ? Cassia and Terry's house.
what ? Just friends catching up.
warnings/rating ? SFW.
status ? Completed in gdocs.

But what if we contributed to the duck's obesity? Does that make us bad people? )



[No Subject]

who ? arran, cassia and terry higgs, chloe pucey
when ? sunday before lunch, 5th november
where ? arran’s parents’ house
what ? pre-sunday lunch
status ? completed in gdocs

Can you grow candyfloss trees, dad? What good is herbology if you can't make plants produce sweets? )

Oct. 27th, 2017



[No Subject]

who ? Tessa and Chloe Pucey.
when ? Friday 27th October, after work.
where ? Tessa's flat.
what ? Movies and pyjamas and cake.
warnings/rating ? SFW.
status ? Completed in gdocs.

Rock does like to pretend to be things, being square would open a whole new repertoire for him! )

Oct. 24th, 2017



[No Subject]

who ? Arran Higgs and Chloe Pucey.
when ? After Arran's conversation with Terence.
where ? Chloe's penthouse.
what ? More memories chat.
warnings/rating ? Mentions of warfare and PTSD.
status ? Completed in gdocs.

We might have to borrow some kids, I'm not making seven. )