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Last Survivors (A Zombie Apocalypse PSL)

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Sweet dreams and blues [15 Nov 2010|12:12am]
Who: Abe and Robert
Date: November 1st, 2010
Time: Afternoon
Location: Lander, Wyoming
Short Synopsis: Abe hits up a grocery store for the first time in weeks...and finds something extra.
Status: Complete

are the colors I choose )
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I like the innocent type, [15 Nov 2010|01:20am]
Who: Abe and Katie
Date: November 4th, 2010
Time: Mid Day
Location: Edgemont, South Dakota
Short Synopsis: Abe spots a surplus store. On his way to loot, he finds...someone.
Status: Complete
deer in the headlights )
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[15 Nov 2010|05:41pm]
Okay, so, I'd like to apologize for my general fail as of late. This past week I wasn't at home and therefore didn't have access to my Mac. Which was uncomfortable and I had (still have actually) a shitton of homework to do. This would be me letting you know I'll be on haitus until the end of the month. I'll try tag when I can but we're starting script writing and it's... in a word, intense. Just wanted to let you know what was up!

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Caught in the sights [15 Nov 2010|09:47pm]
Who: Abe and Marc
Date: November 7th, 2010
Time: Afternoon
Location: Nisland, South Dakota
Short Synopsis:
Status: In Progress

in a landslide victory )
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Hi y'all [15 Nov 2010|10:00pm]
My name's Sonneillon, Sonne for short, and I've just brought in Katie Conell. As you can see from the most recent thread, Abe just brought her to the good-guys' group, so y'all are welcome to meet and greet. If you want a thread let me know, I'm open to everybody.
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