Lasting Requiem - AU Harry Potter RPG

January 12th, 2008

Lasting Requiem - AU Harry Potter RPG


January 12th, 2008

I can see a better time when all our dreams come true;

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[Backdated to Jan 12th]

Christmas had been a very quiet affair for the Silence, who had been forced to stay at school during the holidays as punishment for a fight she'd had with Malfoy which, by the way, had been started by him. Thankfully for her, most of the witches and wizards who had a problem with blood traitors and muggleborns had gone home to their mummies and daddies for Christmas so she didn't have to deal with their crap over the holidays.

Her aunt and uncle were well aware of the situation at the school so they weren't angry with Sil, just disappointed that she would be spending another Christmas stuck at the dreadful school. To cheer her up they sent her presents and food in the hopes that the day itself would be a little more cheery because of it. They'd learned about what they can and can't send after Sil's second year when they tried to give her some magical items, which were confiscated by the headmistress who 'took it upon herself to investigate all suspicious packages coming into the school'. So now it was books, books and more books for her, which suited the young Slytherin just fine.

Currently, Sil was sat in her usual spot outside the school on a cold stone bench with her knees hugged to her chest, pile of leftover mince pies on one side and pile of books on the other, busily reading away to pass what little free time the students had these days. School had only started again the previous Monday and the workload was still pretty minimal so everyone was taking advantage of any time they had to relax without being disturbed. The fact that people sometimes did disturb to pass their own time was unfortunate, but a fact of life at Hogwarts. Sil had made a point of trying not to get into trouble so much this term, but knew that was one resolution she'd be breaking in the not-too-distant future.

Without looking, she used one hand to keep the book open against her legs and reached down with the other to grab a mince pie, nibbling at it as she continued to read, attention well and truly sucked into the story she was reading; who knew Stephen King books were so awesome?

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