Lasting Requiem - AU Harry Potter RPG

October 19th, 2007

Lasting Requiem - AU Harry Potter RPG


October 19th, 2007

Plot Narrative; closed

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[Narrative from GJ - backdated to the start of the school year]

Term had started entirely as usual on the first of September at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The Hogwart's Express had waited patiently at platform nine and three quarters as parents ushered their children along with those all important trunks onto the train and as usual there had been a few tears from clingy mothers, fathers and children alike. First years had sailed across the lake -losing one of their number momentarily to the Giant Squid as seemed customary every few years at least- and the rest of the student body crammed into the carriages; nothing more eventful about that. Umbridge, again as usual, had greeted the students at the start of term feast in a voice that was too high pitched to be entirely believable, with breathy pauses and self-deprecating giggles that did nothing to endear her to her public. Students here and there rolled their eyes or exchanged meaningful glances with their peers surreptitiously as she set out the rules for the year ahead, complete with undercurrents of malice that returning students had come to expect and new students had heard through the rumour mill.

Each seated in their assigned place at the head table, members of staff had watched and waited silently, all with their own mixture of apparent culpability in the regime and stony faced acceptance of witnessing the continuation of what they could not change, either surveying the crowd of students or surveying Umbridge as she spoke.

Grey pressed into the castle from all sides. Grey clouds. Grey rain and grey wind, and inside the walls an equally grey mood seeped through the castle. As the weeks rolled into October and the brown began to overtake the green in the landscape around the castle there were few who could say they hadn't noticed it. It wasn't tangible exactly, a feeling of general unrest in within the walls and nothing more, but with the Dark Lord in power, who can say what ill-feelings are any more significant now than they were last year? All the students can do is go to their lessons and all the teachers can do is teach, for now at least.

[The Game is now open; feel free to post and interact as if the school has been open since September 1st and nothing has changed from the way the school usually runs under Umbridge ;D Details of that are all in the mod journal if you need inspiration!]
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