Sunday, June 3rd, 2007

Timeline & Links

This asylum is a mirror of the lantean_hive SGA AU comm over on LJ. I'm not going to duplicate all the posts, but I am including a link to all of the posts to lantean_hive fics over on LJ.

Fanfic Index
Ichneumonidae by [info]havocthecat - (Sheppard/Weir, Lorne/Sheppard/Weir; NC-17)
Ichneumonidae - DVD Commentary by [info]havocthecat
Dilatatio by [info]angelqueen04 - (Emmagan/McKay, Sheppard/Weir; NC-17)
Bacchanalia by [info]havocthecat - (Emmagan/Heightmeyer/Weir; NC-17)
Paroxysm by [info]havocthecat - (Cadman/Lorne, Cadman/Lorne/McKay; NC-17)

Timeline of Events
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