Wednesday, April 24th, 2013

Who:Clover Fitzgerald ([info]inclover) & Elijah Christophe ([info]subtleseraph)
When: Saturday, 04/20
Where: Undisclosed location
What: torturing the angel and bogey
Warnings: violence, Eli's mouth
Rating: PG-13/R

if i seem too serene, torture me... )
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Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013

Who: Athanasia Theodorakopoulou [ [info]hallowedbonds ]
When: From the 19th to the wee hours of the night on the 22nd
Where: Undisclosed location of where the anti-supernatural group took the kidnapped.
What: Suffering and cracking.
Warnings: Some descriptive moments of torture.
Rating: Between PG-13 and R, tbh.

turn off the sun pull the stars from the sky )
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Monday, March 18th, 2013

Who: Clover Fitzgerald [info]inclover & Elijah Christophe [info]subtleseraph
When: Friday, March 15, late morning
Where: On campus, to a cafe
What: Clover is kind of a stalker, but then she gets herself a date!
Warnings: None
Rating: PG

So, d’you have a thing for older guys, or am I just special? )
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Thursday, March 7th, 2013

Who: Ashling Dunne ([info]winglit) & Lachlan Ramsay ([info]resplendently)
When: Thursday March 7th
Where: Cafeteria
What: A chance meeting
Warnings: tba?
Rating: PG

He hoped she wouldn't mind, he'd been intending to see how she was doing and now seemed as good a time as any.  )
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Tuesday, February 26th, 2013

Who: Ashling Dunne [info]winglit and Maxwell Viles [info]ochlocrat.
When: The morning of the 23rd.
Where: Vinter, the killer's house.
What: The rescue.
Warnings: Language? Demon feels?
Rating: PG?

the rescue was underway )
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Sunday, February 24th, 2013

Who: Elva Kelley ([info]elva) & Ashling Dunne ([info]winglit)
When: backdated, the 22nd, afternoon through night
Where: Kafe Vinter, then a house in Vinter
What: The girls are kidnapped, struggle with the killer, and then are left with no option but to wait for help. Complete.
Warnings: Violence, swearing.
Rating: PG-13

... there was something chilling in the way he thought these simple phrases. The angel came to a stop out front, focusing her mind on the man inside the house, trying to get a better mental grasp on him. Dark images flooded her mind ...  )
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Friday, February 1st, 2013

Who: Ashling Dunne [info]winglit and Maxwell Viles [info]ochlocrat.
When: Friday afternoon.
Where: The grounds of the Academy/Main Building.
What: A quick, awkward chat.
Warnings: Language.
Rating: PG.

so, an angel and a demon walk into a library )
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