Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013

javi ; 001

I finally got around to viewing The Cabin In the Woods this weekend. And while I think it was a rather innovative horror film, I cannot decide how I feel about the ending. Genius? Infuriating? Perhaps both? Three viewings later and I really cannot form an opinion on it.

However, I can tell you vampires were grossly under represented as a potential Choice and I might have written a letter to Joss Whedon concerning it. Despite the inaccuracies in the stores, we are a classic "villain" in the horror genre. So much classier than zombies in the living deceased category and I am not just saying that because I am biased. Rotting flesh is never an attractive thing, both visually and olfactory.

In other news, I still cannot believe the Pope has a Twitter. I wish he would retweet me. Though I suppose he does have more important things to do with being God's vessel on Earth. I suppose the times they are a-changin'.
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Sunday, May 12th, 2013

⌈ s e v e n ⌋


[ filter; private ]
I know you trust me, and I'd never deny that. You know I feel the same. I know how hard it is to accept the death of someone you love so soon, but you know I would take anything you said to me to the grave and further. It's the least I can do. I owe you my life, so let me make up for it by protecting you in return. Trust me, because you know I'd do anything.

Anything, Edmund.

[ filter; valeria ]
Do you have many plans for this week?

[ filter; damian ]
Are you Did he tell How is your leg?

[ filter; public ]
My condolences to anyone who lost someone last week. I will say this: take care of what you post on this network. Our security has been compromised on more than one occasion, so when you're in doubt, a filter may be more prudent. I won't say "trust no one", only to be wary of what you say and who you say it to.

Nobody needs to lose anyone else.

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Thursday, May 9th, 2013

kara : 001.

Right, well. It's cold as fucking balls up here and my fingers are about to freeze off, so I'll make this brief. Kara Brunswick, vamp, new transfer up from the Salem Academy. I ran FCU there. Not really sure what else you guys need, but ask and maybe I'll answer. Less cryptic than it sounds, really. I'm just shit at this small talk thing.

And don't touch the Ducati in the garage. She's mine.
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Wednesday, May 8th, 2013

So, the Big Call from the parents came. They keep threatening to come up here and I keep having to talk them down from it. While I signed up for all the danger and crazy and what else, my parents so did not and I don't want them to step foot in Vinter. So now we've settled on Skyping every other day, while I'm recovering, until they feel kind of better. I downplayed a lot. I think we have to sometimes.

Paperwork is interesting. Totally cool that I get to work from home if I want to and lounge about in my PJs, but I miss my guns and I miss my partner. I miss the field and action and allow me a moment to be a brat and BAWW I JUST GRADUATED FROM TRAINEE, the injustice of it all. But it's cool, I'll retrain and go to PT like a champ.

Bonuses to recovery - Iron Man 3 and Star Trek. Also cute girls fussing over me a little dkfjdkfj

Where do I even begin? I can't say thank you enough. There's nothing I can do So those huge care packages my parents tend to send me? You're probably going to be the proud owner of one. I think yours will end up being bigger than mine, because I have a lot of cousins and my grandparents are still alive and they're overwhelmed with gratitude.

I hinted you might like some Egyptian cotton sheets to roll around on. Make things fun for Edmund.

Feel like introducing the joys of Iron Man to a poor, sheltered Fae with me? I can't wrap my brain around the fact that someone has not seen the movies.
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Tuesday, May 7th, 2013

going out into the field tomorrow, spose it won't be a fecking boring day after all. apparently we're going to be sniffin around like dogs or something like that. i don't really know the details or if i'm supposed to even say anything, but i'd rather play hound for landvik than be cooped up here doing the usual training exercises while everyone else gets to go out and have adventures and have fucking fun. it's so much more exciting than staying in this bloody academy and doing paperwork for the next three thousand years.

so yeah good luck to me or whatever, it's going to be feckin ace

[FILTER: Sasha Vadim]
i hope your stupid arm is doing ok [...] i got some ice cream if you wanna split it
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the twelfth swipe.

[ filter; lcu ]
Before anyone starts missing me too much or already started, I got suspended got the longest fucking vacation I've never had I'm on leave until June. If I forget who you are in two months, don't take it too personally.

[ filter; valeria ]
See you're up and about.

[ filter; esther ]
I'm I don't Sorry about last time. Sorry I'm such a
(76 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, May 6th, 2013

I was going to talk about work or the pain I'm still in something else, but I cannot contain the glee I feel in seeing Iron Man 3. I won't give anything away, but Robert Downey Jr. was spectacular as always and so was the action. I don't want to keep gushing about it, so I'll cut myself off now.

It was definitely something I needed; it took my mind off of recent events that do not need to be dwelled on. Sadly, my brain is back to dwelling, so if anyone still needs/wants to see it, I'm willing to tag along.

Still wondering if I should call my family...
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Sunday, May 5th, 2013

I haven't been to the gym in a few days (almost two weeks) because I was healing from those minor cuts and scrapes and bruises and sore muscles (I swear one of those guys tried to ride me) I got from that successful rescue mission. Now I'm hurting because I pushed myself too far. So if someone could come help me by cooking my meals, cleaning my clothes, and bathing me, I'd appreciate it.

Just keeping me company is fine too. Either way, I'd love someone to come over.
(16 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, May 4th, 2013

Stop me if I've said this already, but I'm bored. This part of the world was exciting for a short time, but, right now, it seems everything is back to "normal" and moving at a snail's pace. Maybe, if I go to sleep, I will wake up a few hundred years in the future and fine something more interesting to talk about.

This isn't even interesting, and I'm the one writing this thing. That's it... I think I'm just desperate enough to do this... Does anyone want to do something? I refuse to wait on those who are still very much injured. Somethingone that can speak too. Angels are served first.
(5 comments | Leave a comment)

Friday, May 3rd, 2013


guys typing is really hard. but i will persevere!! rhysssssssssssssssss i am ready for my bunnies, unless you still want to get me a chick and risk the chance of me stepping on it.

[ filter; everyone in group one ]
how are you all?
(23 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, April 10th, 2013


When is Emil's funeral scheduled? And will we be allowed to attend to express our condolences, or would it be unsafe for us?
(8 comments | Leave a comment)


Give the stupid comments a rest already. Bombs threats do not just happen in 'high school' or otherwise. We're an Academy going against what many in the world want. On top of that, we have a situation where activists, shifters and a shifter home have been targeted. It is neither 'ridiculous' nor something we are 'above'. It's going part of the job and there's going to be much worse before it gets better.

Grow the hell up if you want to survive here or just keep your mouths shut while the rest of us work seriously.

[ filter: edmund ]

I'm going out for an hour.
(53 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, April 6th, 2013

I feel terrible for feeling relieved that Ghita just made it out of here. With that Shifter enclosure burning down ... if only Damian would go somewhere safe. Relatively safe. Back to London or wherever they're not burning Shifters presumably alive.

I feel sick.

Getting together some donations for an arrangement for Emil's funeral. Closed casket, for the love of Most of the LCU has pitched in, depending on how much we get we can probably come up with two or three.
(46 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013

The disappearances of those activists feels off. I'm not sure how, but every piece I see about their continued absence sends a chill down my spine.
(3 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, March 28th, 2013

We need some happiness up in here. So...

We're getting a new Gas Chromatograph in the lab!!!!!

I'm so excited. I call first use!
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Wednesday, March 27th, 2013

the fifth swipe.

txts to esther & elva )

[ filter; private ]
What the fuck.

[ filter; matthieu ]
Why can't you just fuck off

[ filter; lycan crimes ]
Don't be too excited that I'm not dead.

[ ooc: Lukas' office was also called to be informed if Lukas asked it of him when he visited! ]
(52 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, March 20th, 2013


[ filter: edmund, valeria & james ]

I'm leaving for London tomorrow. I'm combining business and personal here. This doesn't need to be aired to everyone, just those who need to know like Lukas.

I need the time away. I'll be back sometime on the weekend. Yes, all is fine, I just was delayed by the...week of random drunken behaviour. Ruby'll come with me so you don't need to worry about her, Edmund.
(51 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, March 13th, 2013

I have the best roomie ever! I think she stopped a thief or whatever! She's like Wonder Woman only not lame or something, maybe Silk Spectre ahahahahahaha get it? NUDGE NUDGE! Damian, Damian, Damaian, we should forget ice cream and get greasy awesome french fries instead! And instead of ponies we should get tigers! My cousin is a tiger! Maybe she'll let us ride on her back!
(12 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, March 9th, 2013


No one with any good sense would just up and abandon their child. And both activists, with the records they have with aiding both shifters and werewolves, aren't foolish. It's shady and it needs speedy solving for their sake, the child's and those who depend on them.

I'll be offering my services to the police when I can. I'm saying that in case anyone wants to come with me this afternoon to also volunteer. Even if Storholmen is going to make himself a roadblock. Of all places, do we really need an inspector like that?
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Thursday, March 7th, 2013


I just want to throw my support out there for an Academy movie night. But I definitely don't think Parker should be in charge of it ─ he'll only invite the ladies. Though speaking of ladies, how about a legal aged girls go out and get drunk night? That sounds fun.


I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking that King asshole needs to be mauled and torn from existence. I don't get this bullshit some people are trying to sell. Oh woe, the poor widdle killer might be mentally damaged. He might not have known what he did. He fucking killed people, ffs. Mental or not, he needs to fuck off from life.

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