Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013

I seem to have very accidentally left some artwork in the elevator shaft. You shouldn't really see it unless you somehow end up outside of an elevator, but it is there and it's- decorative? Something. Very sorry.

This happens.

I should at least try to muster up an explanation for you.


How are you?
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Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013


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That poor kid. Does Maggie wonder about her parents or is Lucretia explaining things to her? Like Agnes Gyldenløve must be with her grandson.

Goddamn it.

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Who's still in with volunteering to help? Let's try to arrange something so we're not all going out at the same time. I intend to go out on Wednesday afternoon and could take a couple of people with me. I intend to visit Agnes Gyldenløve in the morning if she'll receive me.
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The disappearances of those activists feels off. I'm not sure how, but every piece I see about their continued absence sends a chill down my spine.
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Monday, March 18th, 2013

I successfully made it through this week without doing anything too stupid. I'm pretty aware that I spent most of it naked to my roommates amusement, but she stopped me from going out no matter how many times I tried. even after I threatened to cleanse her
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Monday, March 11th, 2013

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Thursday, March 7th, 2013


I just want to throw my support out there for an Academy movie night. But I definitely don't think Parker should be in charge of it ─ he'll only invite the ladies. Though speaking of ladies, how about a legal aged girls go out and get drunk night? That sounds fun.


I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking that King asshole needs to be mauled and torn from existence. I don't get this bullshit some people are trying to sell. Oh woe, the poor widdle killer might be mentally damaged. He might not have known what he did. He fucking killed people, ffs. Mental or not, he needs to fuck off from life.

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So, I've been reading a lot about Japanese demon lore recently, and I find the Rokurokubi to be kind of amusing. Apparently they're related to Nure-onna, which is why by day they look human, but by night they can stretch their necks to ridiculous lengths. What the heck kind of demon is that? Seriously. Your demon power is that you can be like Mr. Fantastic in the neck region? Fail. I mean, I guess as a "trickster" demon it works, if you want to be a peeping tom or something like that, but realistically... of all the demon powers... no.

Stretchable necks =/= Cool super power.

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