Wednesday, May 29th, 2013


To all those here who are in possession of a motorcycle, or anyone who would like a ride, I am considering taking a day trip next weekend. Would anyone like to join me? Robbie, you might be able to fit in my side-bag in your shifted form.

[ filter; elva ]
When shall we begin your sparring sessions?
(34 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, May 28th, 2013

s i x.


Out of curiosity, how many of you can actually understand some Norwegian? Does it all sound like gibberish to you, or have some of you caught on to the language over the years?

[ filter; lachlan ]
Thanks for letting me steal the foot of your bed at night. I can't do my own bed right now. Not alone.

And I can't ask you to cuddle me at night because our platonic friendship will get super weird. Does it weird you out? Are you just being polite with me because you're that kind of guy but you actually wish I'd fuck off and sleep in my own bed? How far does our friendship go that you'd let your shifting roommate press up against you because he just wants to know you're there and alive and not going anywhere because he's too fucking dumb to protect his own sister from being killed?

You're a good friend, and I'm just the creepiest roommate ever.

(44 comments | Leave a comment)


It only makes sense that the first thing a newly arrived man should do is to introduce himself to everyone. Obviously, that's not what I did. After the re-orientation, I was occupied by arranging for accommodations and getting lost in Landvik. And when I thought I could finally sit down and make this entry, I decided to go to Tromsø. Before I knew it, two months have gone and this introduction is long overdue.

So now I'm getting right on it. Hello, everyone. To those of you I haven't yet met, my name is Robert Baker. I'm the new researcher for the Witchcraft Crimes Unit although I am by no means green in this job. I completed my training back in London, England being my home country, and only decided to pursue the rest of my career here in Landvik.

That's pretty much the long and short of this. If there's anything at all I can do to help you, please don't hesitate to e-mail me at or ring me at +47XXXXXXXX. I also highly encourage touristy suggestions. Hopefully ones that don't require knowing the language as I haven't gone beyond "Jeg snakker ikke norsk" yet.
(207 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, May 12th, 2013

c i n q.

Is regret supposed to taste bitter?

[ filter; lachlan & clover ]
I'm taking the week tomorrow to fly home. I'll be back Friday.

Email if you need anything.
(30 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, May 8th, 2013

q u a t r e.

im going to rip you limb from limb break all of your fingers and make sure the last thing you hear is your scream and the last thing you see is blood i can't i'm

they're dead.

[ filter; damian ]
you were right and now shes dead and it's my fault
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Wednesday, May 1st, 2013


[ filter: senior officers and the following families → Maclaren, Quinn, Raine, Renaud, Winters ]

Firstly, I do not want any fucking whining or childish behaviour with what I have to inform you. I'm not even going to reply to it. Not where you can see it, anyway.

Your families have come up as targets by the people who arranged the fires and kidnapping. There is a reason why you have not been informed until now. Intelligence was required to make sure this was a truth and there was a need to track without interferences of some hysterical creature wanting to run home to protect their family themselves. Because of it coming up true, obviously some measure of protection should be dealt out but I cannot speak on behalf of the senior officers. But these people are trained and cruel. Our security is weak. There will be death. Prepare yourselves if they are successful. I'm not. I can't allow I Fuckity fuck

Do not let this information leave here unless it is to contact a member of your family that IS at Landvik that you trust and only if they can't see this. Inform me, and I will add them if necessary. Note how I said family, not your fucking BFF. Containing this now means we can see where the holes are in our security. If you have a need to contact your family outside of Landvik, speak to a senior officer. But I do not advise seeing them. Except I want to go home, fucking hell You might make it easier for them to be found.

That is all.

[ooc: this has been backdated to April 26th. read this if you want your character added and how that will be treated.]
(74 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, April 30th, 2013

[Filter to Lachlan]
I did it. I heard about the plant being... Well, I did that. I might not have remembered anything else you taught me, but I remembered that. Thank you. Can you teach me how to stop seeing someone die everytime I close my eyes?

I don't think I've said this enough: Thank you for everything.

[Filter to Jaimie]
Can we go home now? I know what that means for you and for me, but... Let's go before I can't walk away.

How is your wound? Healing okay? Is there anything I can do?

I think I need to be doing something. I think I'm done recuperating. If anyone needs anything, please let me know. But I can't carry any heavy boxes. So, anything but that.
(3 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, April 29th, 2013


[ private ]
I still cannot believe how badly I slipped up. And in front of Jaimie. He'll never let me live it down. Maryse was probably mortified, the poor girl. She didn't need that on top of everything else she's been through.

I feel like such a failure as a guard.

[ public; filtered away from jaimie and maryse ]

After the tension we've all dealt with recently, I could use a drink. If anyone else wants in, I'll buy the first two rounds.
(28 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, April 25th, 2013

t r o i s.


And the healing begins. But it's not over, is it? Is anyone looking for a place to stay after the fires? I can't offer a place or Lachlan will glare at me, but if anyone is homeless or might be, you can go forth and use this post for coordination purposes.

[ filter; clover ]
Taking visitors?

[ filter; clover, maryse and yilin ]
If you ladies need anything, holler and it's yours. And I don't mean that creepily.

[ filter; damian ]
You're in one piece? Say yes.

(22 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, April 20th, 2013

anyone missing from ACU?

world's on fire.
was it you?
(35 comments | Leave a comment)

Friday, April 19th, 2013


All units: do a headcount now. You can do it here or in another post but get it done immediately. Comment here, filtered or not, if you can't find someone to keep that in one place at least. And respond for those who may not be able to at the moment.

LCU, respond here.
(60 comments | Leave a comment)


[posted from phone]
Is anyone still inside either of the burning buildings? And did anyone see who did this?

I've already seen Roza is safe, however Maryse, Jaimie, Ariana, Robert, Val, Yilin, Elva -- you better all be safe.
(17 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, April 17th, 2013

d e u x.


I am failing to see the message they want us to see now. Is it 'no one is safe'? I'm convinced that girl with the past history with the Academy has some vendetta against us, or knows someone who has one. I can't see why. We're all angels.

Unrelated to everything, I'm 27 today. Heading out to Tromsø to be with my sisters, so be good.

[ filter; clover ]
You making it out okay? If your roommate isn't escorting you places, I'm going to have stern words with her. And I can be very stern. I'm not losing anyone

[ filter; shifters ]
Everyone accounted for? Not that Six was a shifter or we'd know it, but just trying to be cautious. I trust you kids in LCU to know how to watch your ass, but watch your ass a little extra.

[ filter; lachlan ]
You're not going anywhere outside without me, day or night. No excuses or buts. Clear? Okay. Not like I could take anyone down with my hidden jiujitsu skills, but maybe I could be awesome in a pinch. That or kick them in the balls because we all know that's where the money's at. Maybe I can bite them JFC SELF

(51 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, April 14th, 2013


My condolences go out to all those who knew Ms. Sampson and the others who were recently found, I hope they passed peacefully and with little pain. I cannot even fathom what their family and friends were going through.

It is a small consolation to learn that the case has been put into our hands, with so many affected we certainly have our work cut out for us.
(12 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, April 11th, 2013

post, the first

You know, I've only been here since the beginning of the month, but I've already learned a lot of things I didn't know before. Mainly, that people here don't take as kindly to those of us who're different as I was led to believe, and let me tell you that was a real eye-opener.

So... is it weird that after the bomb threat was all taken care of I went back to my room and Google'd common bomb ingredients so I'd know how to recognize those scents just in case? I mean, ever since those notes were posted everywhere, I doubt I'm the only one who's been jumping at shadows getting suspicious whenever there's some smell I don't recognize in the air, or I see some person who looks shifty poking around. It's all about constant vigilance, right? But not to the point of paranoia, because that won't help anyone. And if there's one thing I can say for certain, it's that nobody wants to be the one who ends up missing something important and letting whoever's behind all the arson and threats get away with it. If it's even the same people.
(64 comments | Leave a comment)

u n.


Landvik, you're gonna give me wrinkles before I'm even thirty. The last time I had to endure a bomb threat, I was stuck sitting under a table for an hour. Because apparently evacuation was not on their minds. Top tier, Rosemount. Top tier. Glad this was a false alarm, but not glad that it happened at all.

That letter, though, it speaks volumes. Assuming it's connected to the disappearances and that shifter enclosure, our killer likes theatrics. They like a show. This is probably a game to them, which makes them worse than the King of Hearts. It means they don't care who they kill, or how they do it, as long as they complete their mission, whatever this mission is. Burning shifters? Destroying Emil's body? Blowing up, or threatening to blow up, an Academy mostly full of supernaturals? We're missing a piece here, but it's obvious who they dislike.

They'll strike again. Maybe with worse results this time.

So if anyone ever needs a walk home over the next little while, ring me up. I don't want any of us to go next.

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