Tuesday, May 28th, 2013


It only makes sense that the first thing a newly arrived man should do is to introduce himself to everyone. Obviously, that's not what I did. After the re-orientation, I was occupied by arranging for accommodations and getting lost in Landvik. And when I thought I could finally sit down and make this entry, I decided to go to Tromsø. Before I knew it, two months have gone and this introduction is long overdue.

So now I'm getting right on it. Hello, everyone. To those of you I haven't yet met, my name is Robert Baker. I'm the new researcher for the Witchcraft Crimes Unit although I am by no means green in this job. I completed my training back in London, England being my home country, and only decided to pursue the rest of my career here in Landvik.

That's pretty much the long and short of this. If there's anything at all I can do to help you, please don't hesitate to e-mail me at robert.baker@landvik.no or ring me at +47XXXXXXXX. I also highly encourage touristy suggestions. Hopefully ones that don't require knowing the language as I haven't gone beyond "Jeg snakker ikke norsk" yet.
(207 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, May 21st, 2013



[ filtered to employees and trainees, visible to sr. officers ]
Being in a state of healing means there's a lot of time for thinking, and I've been doing a lot of that lately. Among the things I was thinking was the idea of holding a vigil for those who have passed, out of respect and thoughtfulness for them. However, on one hand, it's a way to say goodbye, and on the other, it may be a prime opportunity for someone -- or several someones -- to strike.

Of course, it is just an idea, so shoot it down if it's awful. Thoughts?

(30 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, May 9th, 2013

kara : 001.

Right, well. It's cold as fucking balls up here and my fingers are about to freeze off, so I'll make this brief. Kara Brunswick, vamp, new transfer up from the Salem Academy. I ran FCU there. Not really sure what else you guys need, but ask and maybe I'll answer. Less cryptic than it sounds, really. I'm just shit at this small talk thing.

And don't touch the Ducati in the garage. She's mine.
(100 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, April 27th, 2013


[ filter: private ]

I'm angry about Evan, God, but thank you for delivering the others to us, safely. Thank you for letting Yasmin survive after her recent scare. Thank you for what good was done.

Just take care of Evan, please. Help those who are hurting more than I am over his...over what happened to him.

[ filter: wizards & witches ]

Jasmine, Liam, Logan, Dylan. I hope you'll all be well soon. I'm tending to a friend of mine until she's better but if you need something, I'll try to help.
(24 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, April 25th, 2013



nope that is cool i always wanted to type w one hand. didn't need two working hands neway. least this keyboard is small, thanks iphone.
(15 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, April 20th, 2013


[ filter: private ]

First Six and now I can't find Liam or the others. They haven't said anything anywhere. They need to. Why haven't they? Are they alright?

Please be. Please.

[ filter: public ]

All of Cold Cases can say something here. And if you are my goddamn friend, please say something. We're worried. I'm worried. Or if someone can say something on their behalf, I'd appreciate it. Just speak up as soon as you can.
(29 comments | Leave a comment)

second flame.

Who missed seeing their coworkers yesterday? Who is missing a roommate?

[ filter; katherine ]
You and your sister. You're alright?
(27 comments | Leave a comment)

Friday, April 19th, 2013


All units: do a headcount now. You can do it here or in another post but get it done immediately. Comment here, filtered or not, if you can't find someone to keep that in one place at least. And respond for those who may not be able to at the moment.

LCU, respond here.
(60 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, April 16th, 2013


I never saw the death of an employee coming. Maybe I should have, but not so soon. I'm so sorry for anyone who knew her. When is the funeral?

[ filter; rhys ]
I know I've been out for a couple days, but thanks for visiting.
(17 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, April 10th, 2013


[ filter; private ]
oh shit

why now

[ filter; public, posted via phone ]
anyone feel like driving me to the hspital

or maybe just coming to stay with me

(12 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, April 8th, 2013

everything burns in hell.

that being said. let's talk about fires.

what are some reasons to start one?
(84 comments | Leave a comment)

Friday, April 5th, 2013


Fifteen. Sixteen with Emil? Christ.

I'm glad there are some who were only injured. A fire is an awful way to die. Burning alive or choking to death Jesus

[ filter; rhys, visible to andy ]
We'll get that bunny once we find out who did this. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
(2 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, April 1st, 2013

i have a new place to hang out. :]

it's- well. i found some of those cheap plastic eggs out in the hallway.
i think they might have fallen out of a basket? one had a sweet-tart in it (!) anyway, i've been staying in there. so if you see any green plastic eggs lying around- don't expect candy. it's probably just me.

has anything good happened to anyone else recently?
(38 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, March 31st, 2013



It's official: I've been thirty-three for a week, and now I'm really feeling like an old lady. One day, I'm going to throw out my back, and then who will give Rex love? Who will let Andy inside to hang around in my flowers? Who will squirt mustard into Rhys' face? I'm conflicted.

Now, old lady complaints aside, has there been any news on those missing activists? There hasn't been a single peep from the media, as far as I've heard.

Oh, and Happy Easter. ♥

(52 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, March 26th, 2013

Delivered to Rhys )
(1 comment | Leave a comment)

Rhys! I'm taking you out for your birthday! Pick a place!
(21 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, March 25th, 2013


[ filter; rhys ]
Happy birthday, Rhys. I have a birthday hug for you, if you'd like it.
(4 comments | Leave a comment)


[ filter: esther ]

I don't if this offer is going to make sense and I don't know how you'll take it so I'll just say it. If you want a place to stay where there is someone who won't make you think about what happened, you can come over anytime.

I bought...a ball for you. To occupy your mind. Ok?

Yeah. Ok. Anyway. That's all.

[ filter: private ]

Sometimes, I wish I wasn't in Cold Cases but this is where I think I'm best. Things like this still worry me. That was a communication failure or bad training or something.

Losing someone who goes out there would be...yeah, no, I'm not going to think about it.
(14 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, March 23rd, 2013



Sweet Jesus, I am thirty-three.
(47 comments | Leave a comment)

Oliver, when you're ready we'll talk about the bird and the bees.

Or I'll make you browse 4chan. Whichever works.

Rhys, I expect you to be a gentleman.

Everyone else- carry on folks, nothing to see here.
(371 comments | Leave a comment)
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