Thursday, May 9th, 2013

kara : 001.

Right, well. It's cold as fucking balls up here and my fingers are about to freeze off, so I'll make this brief. Kara Brunswick, vamp, new transfer up from the Salem Academy. I ran FCU there. Not really sure what else you guys need, but ask and maybe I'll answer. Less cryptic than it sounds, really. I'm just shit at this small talk thing.

And don't touch the Ducati in the garage. She's mine.
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Wednesday, May 8th, 2013

So, the Big Call from the parents came. They keep threatening to come up here and I keep having to talk them down from it. While I signed up for all the danger and crazy and what else, my parents so did not and I don't want them to step foot in Vinter. So now we've settled on Skyping every other day, while I'm recovering, until they feel kind of better. I downplayed a lot. I think we have to sometimes.

Paperwork is interesting. Totally cool that I get to work from home if I want to and lounge about in my PJs, but I miss my guns and I miss my partner. I miss the field and action and allow me a moment to be a brat and BAWW I JUST GRADUATED FROM TRAINEE, the injustice of it all. But it's cool, I'll retrain and go to PT like a champ.

Bonuses to recovery - Iron Man 3 and Star Trek. Also cute girls fussing over me a little dkfjdkfj

Where do I even begin? I can't say thank you enough. There's nothing I can do So those huge care packages my parents tend to send me? You're probably going to be the proud owner of one. I think yours will end up being bigger than mine, because I have a lot of cousins and my grandparents are still alive and they're overwhelmed with gratitude.

I hinted you might like some Egyptian cotton sheets to roll around on. Make things fun for Edmund.

Feel like introducing the joys of Iron Man to a poor, sheltered Fae with me? I can't wrap my brain around the fact that someone has not seen the movies.
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Tuesday, May 7th, 2013

going out into the field tomorrow, spose it won't be a fecking boring day after all. apparently we're going to be sniffin around like dogs or something like that. i don't really know the details or if i'm supposed to even say anything, but i'd rather play hound for landvik than be cooped up here doing the usual training exercises while everyone else gets to go out and have adventures and have fucking fun. it's so much more exciting than staying in this bloody academy and doing paperwork for the next three thousand years.

so yeah good luck to me or whatever, it's going to be feckin ace

[FILTER: Sasha Vadim]
i hope your stupid arm is doing ok [...] i got some ice cream if you wanna split it
(28 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, May 2nd, 2013


[ filter: molly ]

So. You know Parker from Forensics, Veronica, Sasha in Shifter Crimes and Ivan in Vampiric Crimes? Maybe some of them? Three of them need a place to live and Parker thought about a pack house. And invited us and Ivan to make this happen. It'll be, as far as I know, in the Fjell where all the cabins are. More privacy, room to run freely and all that.

I'll have a link for you at some point but if you're interested (no pressure, hon!) just tell us. Trying to see which cabin might have the most room for us or if we'll have to resort to two cabins near one another. Suppose we could always turn a room into a bedroom, too. Maybe make add-ons as well if that's alright. We'll see.

Again, no pressure. I know sometimes we werewolves prefer our privacy. I mean, I have a paper bag I'm breathing into whenever I think about it but you know, I'm cool here where is that bad

[ edit ] Here you go, just in case!
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Sunday, April 28th, 2013

[Filter: Ronnie, Sasha, Nora, Ivan, Molly]
Sasha, Ronnie and I have been out of a place since it was set on fire. So I came up with the idea of getting a house with everyone. Basically, make our own pack house. What do you guys thinks?
Pretty much the three of us already need a new place... And I was just offering it to both Nora and Ivan to join us.
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Friday, April 12th, 2013

I am looking for Six Sampson. She has not been seen or heard from in a few days. I have called all phone numbers, spoken to people in her unit (Spectral Crimes), and nothing has come from it. I would like everyone to keep their eyes open and do some extra searching around Landvik and Vinter.

And, in general, try to be more alert. Keep your eyes open for any suspicious behavior. Then report suspicious behavior to me, Adella King, or Kai Adamsen.
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I saw who delivered the bomb threats in the mailboxes. I was watching the screen when others were analyzing the footage of that morning. The person was trying to keep her face hidden by a hood from her sweatshirt, but I believe I know her or, rather, knew her. At least, I'm pretty sure. From what little of her face I saw, she reminded me of Josephine. If anyone who was around about the time the academy opened, you might remember her. She was training in the Shifter Crimes Unit. She had short black hair, light blue eyes, and was about 5'5". She was kind of loud and didn't last very long. I believe she was gone by December of that year.

I don't know how she got in. She shouldn't have had anything that allowed her to pass through the doors, through security.
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[ filter: private ]

It's such a pain in the ass to bite my tongue when I want to slap even if I know King wouldn't disapprove. At least some of the stupid isn't around or in plain sight. Small favours for my sanity.

[ filter: vcu; visible to the senior officers ]

It wouldn't kill any of us to make group training something we can do at least once every two weeks. I would have said once a week but we do have work to attend to. And let's see what we can do about watching over our own shifters and werewolves. It'll be fucking annoying to have to deal with those in mourning if we lose one. Tomorrow, Sunday or whenever is ideal for most of us.

Obviously this isn't mandatory. I hardly could make it so but it's a suggestion. Feel free to make your own. As long as it isn't foolish. And don't ask dumb questions.

[ filter: public ]

If anyone's living alone, you may want to change that or just keep better contact with your neighbours. Until matters are resolved.
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don't let me get me

In case anyone was wondering, forensic tests done on the bomb threat note yielded absolutely nothing useful, not even the type of printer they came from. I've never seen that kind of result before, it's almost unheard of to have a sample so clean that you can't even find a shred of evidence on it. It's freaky.

[ filter; friends ]
Anyone else feel super-restless with all of this going on, like you'd rather be anywhere but here?
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Thursday, April 11th, 2013

post, the first

You know, I've only been here since the beginning of the month, but I've already learned a lot of things I didn't know before. Mainly, that people here don't take as kindly to those of us who're different as I was led to believe, and let me tell you that was a real eye-opener.

So... is it weird that after the bomb threat was all taken care of I went back to my room and Google'd common bomb ingredients so I'd know how to recognize those scents just in case? I mean, ever since those notes were posted everywhere, I doubt I'm the only one who's been jumping at shadows getting suspicious whenever there's some smell I don't recognize in the air, or I see some person who looks shifty poking around. It's all about constant vigilance, right? But not to the point of paranoia, because that won't help anyone. And if there's one thing I can say for certain, it's that nobody wants to be the one who ends up missing something important and letting whoever's behind all the arson and threats get away with it. If it's even the same people.
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[spectral crimes]
so did anyone ever get ahold of Six? she never showed up for work.

do people really think spectres were responsible for emil and everything? i mean, there's some pretty good evidence in that they're not leaving any behind but [...] it would have to be a team of spectres, honestly and i don't think they'd be very interested in that kind of thing. they're a lot more personal. they usually stick to an individual and aren't fond of leaving their chosen places/people. and why the bomb threat if it were spectres?
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Monday, April 8th, 2013

Really a fire to burn down a Shifter zoo camp- home - thing? and they didn't bother, I don't know, sticking the body in the fire? Seems shady to me and killer would have tried to conver their tracks not leave it out for the police to find.
(53 comments | Leave a comment)

everything burns in hell.

that being said. let's talk about fires.

what are some reasons to start one?
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Saturday, April 6th, 2013

I feel terrible for feeling relieved that Ghita just made it out of here. With that Shifter enclosure burning down ... if only Damian would go somewhere safe. Relatively safe. Back to London or wherever they're not burning Shifters presumably alive.

I feel sick.

Getting together some donations for an arrangement for Emil's funeral. Closed casket, for the love of Most of the LCU has pitched in, depending on how much we get we can probably come up with two or three.
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