Saturday, March 30th, 2013

I'm bored. I guess I shouldn't be, but I am. Even though this is a new "adventure," it leaves me with a lot of time on my hands.

Does anyone else get sick of time? Just wondering...
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Tuesday, March 19th, 2013


So now that all of this unpleasantness is behind us, I feel like we need to do something fun! Perhaps a dinner? One of those things where everyone brings a dish to share. I will provide the wine.

[ WCU ]
Anyone working on anything interesting at the moment? How are our little trainees doing?
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Monday, March 18th, 2013


At least what was happening to us ended with some good news. Even if King seems too content for my liking.

That aside, I hope we've all learned a lesson about having nice things in this ridiculous place. So ship back home whatever you love if you still have it or bury it good and deep. I don't see them exactly deterred from returning.
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Monday, March 11th, 2013

[Filtered away from Lukas and his watchdogs]


Wtf is going on here? I mean, I liek it, but WTF? My liver feels liek it needs moer booze.

[Filter: Minjung]

I haev fun stuffs to tell you.
(127 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, March 10th, 2013

Is like someone turned the air into booze.

A wizard did, I'm sure of it. Thanks Mr. Wizard!


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Saturday, March 9th, 2013


[filtered away from school personnel]

Does anyone know of a relatively inexpensive apartment that allows cats, or live in one and need a roommate? I'd really like a pet, to help prove that I can be responsible, but rules are rules...

[filter: seungwon]

How pissed would you be if I smuggled a kitten into our dorm room?
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Friday, March 8th, 2013

angels, man.

i find new reasons to keep loving them every day, swear to fucking god.
(70 comments | Leave a comment)

It's nice to see everyone so animated about the trial of Ezra King. I'm also happy to see that Miss Dunne and Miss Kelley are doing much better. I feel this month will be much better than the last one. But with this latest news, I don't feel as optimistic as I did yesterday.

Although, there are problems outside of Giza.* I have been asked for some help, which I'm glad to offer. I will be contacting the members of the team I'm putting together shortly. Just a reminder to those I send: You are representing Landvik, and I don't want to hear that you were being disrespectful to those at the academy, especially the administration.

* OOC: The team sent will be NPCs.
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Wednesday, March 6th, 2013

ha! what a joke! that guy thinks he's some big shot, sitting in court being protected... i bet he'd be shitting his pants if he had to deal with shit our way. what was he trying to pull anyway?


next time i want to go out with you guys...the ones who got him... maybe the guy might accidentally find himself not breathing.

or gal. either way, i'll take it down. easy.
(4 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, March 3rd, 2013

No matter what some people say we can't focus on ask the negatives. People should celebrate the victories no matter how small because it keeps the bad from pressing us down into nothingness.

Even my nightmares have gone back to their normal, which though still nightmares are better than the new images that I was experiencing.
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in which morgan's player forgets to finish the title.


Why so moody these days, Landvik? Drink and be merry while it lasts.

In the meantime, those of you who are having one of those days should eat some fruit or do something productive with your irritation. Like listen to this classic song and punch a mirror or a child in the face. I also recommend screaming at unsuspecting people on the street, or terrorizing children in the park. Alternatively, there is the option of going to kill a Wiggle, but that requires a plane ticket.

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Saturday, March 2nd, 2013

the third swipe.


Liking how the general opinion is that the asshole's in custody so now it's time to kick off your boots and relax like some other asshole won't come along to pop your fucking bubble in a couple weeks or less. Apparently it's worth buying the whole damn Academy a drink.

Way I see it, no one's gonna get justice anyway.

[ filter; elva ]
Are you

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Friday, March 1st, 2013


You know, it's a good thing that the murderer is in custody, because I was thinking just the other day that while there was that whole 'threat of potential murderation' thing going on a lot of teenage and early-adult guys were probably using the situation to try and get girls to have sex with them. I mean in the 'do you really want to die a virgin' sort of way, if you don't get what I mean. Not that I would try anything like that, I'm not that type of guy, but still. Those poor idiots.

...too soon?
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Wednesday, February 27th, 2013

i'm going to start needing to find ways to enjoy myself that don't involve alcohol and smoking things.

anyone want to help me debase myself without the use of either?

still having those nightmares, dolly?
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Friday, February 22nd, 2013

in which morgan rolls her eyes.


[ filter; demons ]
What's with this "trial" nonsense? A man who's killed so many so inhumanly won't repent for his sins or beg. No one will let him go free, so why make a circus of it? Catch him, rip him limb from limb, and be done with it. Let those who lost loved ones stone him to death. Better yet, lock him in a cell with dead animals so he can cherish the smell of death until he, too, rots away. A win for everyone except him, I'd imagine.

I would much rather be fluffing up my pillows with angel feathers than chasing after this cocky little ponce.

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Thursday, February 21st, 2013

who has time to set up an entire dinner scene, and create convincing taxidermy?

i seriously want this guy multi-tasking for me. think of the things we could accomplish if only we had some kind of psychotic precision multi-tasking skills.

fuck this flashy moron.

have you ever been to a doctor?
(41 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, February 20th, 2013


Man, fuck this guy. I almost hope whoever finds him rips his heart out and eats it rather than let this prick stand trial. Seriously. Sick fuck. If he gets a padded room instead of a death sentence, I'll be pissed.

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Saturday, February 16th, 2013


Now that we know it's a human, we know we can kill it dead without a big deal. ♥ Oh wait, is anyone keen on giving this guy a trial? It should be something like DEAD OR ALIVE. Lukas needs a suggestion box.

[ filter: private ]

From a hair, they know it's a human male from a hair. They cannot get my hair, my hair cannot be studied. I fucking hate science. I mean, not like holy water wouldn't also do the trick but fucking science.

I don't care if the whole Academy knows what I am but she cannot. Not now, not ever.
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I find it very rude of this person to kill people on my birthday. He could at least have waited a day or two so that my birthday wouldn't have been "the day two teenagers were killed in a weirdly romantic way". Seriously, that's not how you make presents. Shiny things like jewelry would have been appreciated and not two heartless people :| Next year, I want something better!
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Thursday, February 14th, 2013


[ filter: private ]

I had a date planned for weeks. He'd have come especially from Paris for this day. I had to cancel it the moment I knew we wouldn't wrap up in time for this day. He called an hour ago and I felt like banging my head against something.

I wish I hadn't. I wish he were here because my head aches and this supremely smug bastard is gnawing on my last of nerves.

[ filter: public ]

I swear to ever deity that exists, even the most fake, that it is plain stupid that people aren't being more careful. He is being too fucking active now and it's as if Vinter's population are offering themselves up.

That irritation aside, whether it's a story or even his idea of art about love and perhaps loss, it has to go deeper than that. Maybe it was his, maybe his parents'. And if we find a dead child again, posed in his sick displays, I'm going to And if it is influence from another, then we return to not knowing the killer's or killers' sex. How can we be THIS lost?
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