Tuesday, May 21st, 2013

[Filter: Friends]




also I need a bath I smell of garbage. BRUSHIE BRUSHIE?!
(82 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, May 13th, 2013

eighth bite.


[ filter; private ]
What a waste of rotting bloodsacks, such a fucking WASTE, why would you WASTE like that, could've been so useful with me instead of in a FUCKING DITCH

[ filter; vampires ]
I was thinking earlier-- is it normal to celebrate the day you were made? Or-- not?

(64 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, May 6th, 2013

After healed wounds, the excitement of the rescue and the kidnapping, we can now focus on the fact that's finally spring. Who has the spring fever already? I certainly feel much better now, which might also be due to the fact that I get to play Amor.

Saturday, 6p.m., [restaurant name here]. Be on time and dress nicely.

You have a blind date, buddy. On Saturday at six p.m. you will go to the [restaurant here] and have dinner (or pretend to have dinner) with someone I picked for you. Be on time and dress nicely.

Oh, and don't kill me for it.

How are you feeling, darling? Do you think a trip to Paris would make you feel better?
(116 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, April 30th, 2013


[ filter: private ]

How much is that doggie in the window (arf, arf!)
The one with the waggley tail~
How much is that doggie in the window (arf, arf!)
I do hope that doggie's for sale~


[ filter: public ]

You know what's good in a pinch? Animal blood. I was so famished today when I was coming back from Tromsø. I think I even felt like I would faint! But fortunately I found sustenance. Don't fuss about it being a pet, it was just a fox. All that hot delicious blood and not a drop wasted. Pity it wasn't a hunter or something.

Vampires that went on that last mission! How are you all doing? Have donors lined up at your door to feed you?

[ filter: gabriel ]

(167 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, April 21st, 2013

Those who can't or don't want to fight, please stay inside and prepare yourselves to stay there for a while. Who knows how bad this will get?

[Filter: Micah]
I haven't heard from you in a while. Are you okay? You have to be okay because I have to tell you something important.

[Filter: Bellissa]
You better be okay, little one, else heads will roll. Stay inside and don't do anything stupid, you hear me?

[Filter: Akanksha]
Hey kitten, are you up for a little adventure?
(61 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, April 10th, 2013


Give the stupid comments a rest already. Bombs threats do not just happen in 'high school' or otherwise. We're an Academy going against what many in the world want. On top of that, we have a situation where activists, shifters and a shifter home have been targeted. It is neither 'ridiculous' nor something we are 'above'. It's going part of the job and there's going to be much worse before it gets better.

Grow the hell up if you want to survive here or just keep your mouths shut while the rest of us work seriously.

[ filter: edmund ]

I'm going out for an hour.
(53 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, April 7th, 2013

sixth bite.


[ filter; vampires ]
I spoke with my donor finally. She said that she has been in love with me for years. I-- didn't know what to say. What do you say to that? I've switched to a temporary donor in the meantime. Can I just eat her This is the shittiest deal

Thought I should tell someone. I have nothing against it, I'm just-- it's awkward, assuming she wants me to turn her so she can be with me forever. Which is. Well, the sentiment is nice and sweet. But still awkward. Zane, does your offer still stand?

[ filter; clover ]
Are you busy this Friday? Would you like to go see a movie? You can invite your curly-haired angel if you'd like.

[ filter; public ]
What are the chances that Emil's wife is alive? I mean-- I hope she's alive, but are the chances slim?

(32 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, March 31st, 2013

i need a room full of donor slaves

i'm just so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so thirsty.

no need to say anything. just keeping everyone updated with my thoughts. :)
(5 comments | Leave a comment)

fifth bite.

[ filter; vampires ]

My donor asked me to turn her this morning. I said no, it's not right. But she asked me. She's never asked me before. Do-- I report her? Is that the protocol?
(32 comments | Leave a comment)

Friday, March 29th, 2013


Sometimes, I like my job a lot. The legends, the mystery of the Bogeymen. But there's sometimes too little to run on. Wouldn't it be nice to catch one of them one day? I think it would. I WANT YOUR BLOOD, YOU LITTLE BASTARDS I want to pet their fucking faces while asking them things~

Such mysterious creatures. I do hope they exist or this will be all for naught and that will make me a sad Isabella.

Now, unrelated to work but important for those that I looove: sometimes I sing Michael by Franz Ferdinand in the morning while having breakfast but replace 'Micheal' with 'Micah'. ♥ ZANE. Zane. Z-A-N-E. Zaaane. I'm hungry, let's find donors! Or not donors, shall it be not? I miss it being not!
(23 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, March 24th, 2013

[Filtered to Esther's friends]

Rumors have gotten around that a mission went wrong and a little bird told me that Esther is in probation now. I thought you'd want to know that.


You fucked up big time this time and you're still owing me compensation for me clothes and shoes.
(126 comments | Leave a comment)

[Filter: Esther]

What happened? Are you ok? After telling me to pick up the phone Raff is kind of shit for details.
(16 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, March 21st, 2013

I almost caught one of those green things but this MEAN SPECTER MADE ME RUN INTO A WALL. So yeah, then he stole my leprechaun. More bad things: Micah is MIA!!! MUST HARASS

That's okay though because then Roza gave me shiny balls and now there are more balls tonight for me. ALL THE BALLS. Isa made me some delicious steak and I'm still full from chewing on Raf's things and Tyler has an amazing floor to nap on zzzzz.


[Filter: Micah]

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Monday, March 11th, 2013


Soemone has been tehre and soemthing has chewed on my clohtes. My Armani shirts are rippd and my Boss shoes have been chewed on, too. My Gucci satchel is destrody adn the whole apartment looks liek a fuking war zone.
(162 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, March 10th, 2013

All these Kings and Queen of things should watch out for people willing to take their positions.

Anyone else wake up hungry?
(55 comments | Leave a comment)


somethings wrong

the wrold is moving funny. sick?
(99 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, March 9th, 2013


No one with any good sense would just up and abandon their child. And both activists, with the records they have with aiding both shifters and werewolves, aren't foolish. It's shady and it needs speedy solving for their sake, the child's and those who depend on them.

I'll be offering my services to the police when I can. I'm saying that in case anyone wants to come with me this afternoon to also volunteer. Even if Storholmen is going to make himself a roadblock. Of all places, do we really need an inspector like that?
(92 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, February 17th, 2013

We have found a hair. I'm no expect in Forensics, so what exactly does the hair tell us? We know he's human and else?

[Filter: Micah]
This is driving me fucking crazy. We have enough work to do already and I barely have time to breathe because of the additional workloads the killer causes.
(103 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, February 14th, 2013

second bite.


[ filter; vampires, visible to lukas ]
After what's happened, things are looking-- bleak. To say the least. He seems more like a spree killer than anything, though it's so hard to tell right now. But I think if the shifters can help out, and the werewolves if something is worked out, we can too. We're all here to protect, right? And to prevent crime.

So-- yes. I thought if we could put our own noses to work, we could find some more evidence. Blood is something we can probably pick up faster than a werewolf or a shifter. We're more... in tune? With blood. We could help.

It's just an idea.

(19 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, February 13th, 2013

I can appreciate using humour as a coping mechanism for a situation, but the time for that has passed. If you're going to make jokes keep them unrelated to the crimes we're investigating. That's not too much to ask, is it? And just before anyone goes for a smartass reply: that was a rhetorical question. If you can't at least control your mouth you have no place here.
(102 comments | Leave a comment)
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