Friday, May 3rd, 2013

nothing can excuse the rage i felt when i thought i wouldn't be the one to kill him. is it always going to be this way? do i have to kill him to be free?

[demonic crimes unit]
is it possible for a demon to attach itself to someone's soul? more specifically, a dead one?

had any nightmares lately?
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Monday, April 22nd, 2013

backdated to sunday, april 21. morning.

As fellow deceased, how do you respond towards death around you? Do you feel an obligation to help? Have you ever saved a life before? On the other hand, have you ever watched someone die and purposefully not done anything about it? Are we meant to be mere observers, haunting and watching but naught else, or does our existence mean we are to do something?

Curiosity, of course. I have my own opinions already.

Are you devastated or rather not, I wonder.
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Saturday, April 20th, 2013

anyone missing from ACU?

world's on fire.
was it you?
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Thursday, April 18th, 2013

some funny pages today.

i swear to shit the newspapers around here will print anything. write a letter while being a complete tryhard psychotic, and you're in.

for the record, this trying to be poetic thing while threatening to kill people? yeah. sick of that. sick to death.

planning on staying, blossom?

i have a question. amuse me with the answer, would you?


if you run away, it'll be pretty lame around here.
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Wednesday, April 10th, 2013

eighth of july.


Okay, guys, do you know what's not cool? Getting glared at in the hallways. I THOUGHT I'D DONE SOMETHING. And then I thought-- holy shit are they all thinking it was spectres who did this? And why am I being blamed with their ಠ_ಠ and jfc how is it that I'm to blame?

Don't blame someone for shit their species did and not them, alright? If we were all deemed responsible for something our species did, we'd all be fucked and hate each other. This bomb threat was even less fucking cool, but let's be reasonable about this. SCREAMING INSIDE And let's keep the judgmental glaring to a minimum.

your friendly neighborhood spectre

filters to krupin, elijah, ariana, erik, and milo )

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I wish they would let more Spectres do the bomb searches, then I wouldn't have to worry that more people might get hurt.
I'm sorry so many people have to be so stressed in these jobs that the Academy provides.
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this academy handles a crisis like no other place in the world.

sweet hell & satan have mercy.
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Monday, March 25th, 2013

Drama! On the Internet! And in Real Life! The plot, she thickens.

I might need to start bringing a camera around with me; there's no way that's going to cause more paranormal activity anyway.

In other know, I hadn't noticed how many people has the King surname around here. Even our local killer! Small world.


Anyone wants to make a poll to see who hits the crap out of someone over this whole thing?

My bet is for that one who's about to pop a vein if she gets any madder, and to basically anyone that talks to her.
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Wednesday, March 13th, 2013

I have the best roomie ever! I think she stopped a thief or whatever! She's like Wonder Woman only not lame or something, maybe Silk Spectre ahahahahahaha get it? NUDGE NUDGE! Damian, Damian, Damaian, we should forget ice cream and get greasy awesome french fries instead! And instead of ponies we should get tigers! My cousin is a tiger! Maybe she'll let us ride on her back!
(12 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, March 12th, 2013

[Filtered to all who are unaffected]

I think I saw what might be the cause of all this insanity.
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Monday, March 11th, 2013


Sometimes I just buy jars and jars of jams and eat them and only them. Sometimes I fall asleep, sticky and with an itty-bitty jam gut.

I have jam gut right now.

AND with that out of the way: I miss summer and girls in itty-bitty bikinis. Boys jerking off while looking at them while they change. Maybe jerking each other off. Lying one of those girls on the hot sand and dragging her bikini bottom down with my teeth. Good times.

I need more jam. ALSO HAHA YOU ARE ALL DRUNK AND STUPID. ♥♥ Sucks to be you guys! Hey, where's that ghost someone was petting? I want to rub him for good luck. And that hugging faerie, c'mere, I have something for you to hug with you

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I am so lost on what is happening with everyone. I've seen people act out of sorts before but this is... strange. I tried to help a girl that was crying and she latched onto me and wouldn't let me go until I turned incorporeal. I felt bad, but she tried to keep me for an hour without saying anything.
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Friday, March 8th, 2013

angels, man.

i find new reasons to keep loving them every day, swear to fucking god.
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It's nice to see everyone so animated about the trial of Ezra King. I'm also happy to see that Miss Dunne and Miss Kelley are doing much better. I feel this month will be much better than the last one. But with this latest news, I don't feel as optimistic as I did yesterday.

Although, there are problems outside of Giza.* I have been asked for some help, which I'm glad to offer. I will be contacting the members of the team I'm putting together shortly. Just a reminder to those I send: You are representing Landvik, and I don't want to hear that you were being disrespectful to those at the academy, especially the administration.

* OOC: The team sent will be NPCs.
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Sunday, March 3rd, 2013

No matter what some people say we can't focus on ask the negatives. People should celebrate the victories no matter how small because it keeps the bad from pressing us down into nothingness.

Even my nightmares have gone back to their normal, which though still nightmares are better than the new images that I was experiencing.
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Wednesday, February 27th, 2013

[Posted from Public Computer area several hours after chatting with Maxie]

[Demonic Crimes/Spectre Crimes]
Are there rules or regulations about demon employees having possessed another employee in the past?

I don't know how to deal with this. And I apologize for the burning wire smells coming from my room.

We need a new fire extinguisher and the lights don't work. I'm having someone come fix them tonight.
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i'm going to start needing to find ways to enjoy myself that don't involve alcohol and smoking things.

anyone want to help me debase myself without the use of either?

still having those nightmares, dolly?
(158 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, February 24th, 2013

I must sleep to have nightmares, right? That's how it works? I wish I didn't.
Krupin suggested that I write down my dreams, but writing them down won't help if I am the only one that sees them. I mean, how would be a researcher work if we didn't see work written by others.

The latest one was not like so many of my others... Instead of their faces covered with ash and flames licking the soft crying faces. I dreamt of two dancers on a black stage. The start by sitting next to each other though one had their back toward me. Low music started playing and as one began to move the other shifted elegantly to block her. Every time she would move away the other would grab a hold of her somehow. The back and forth of the escape and capture happened across the stage. Then when the other moved its limbs and the girl moved the same like it had taken control. She being its puppet. Finally she breaks free, leaving the other on the ground. It grasps at her leg trying one last time, but the girl has the control finally. The dance ends as the light fades and they return to the positions they started in.
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Friday, February 22nd, 2013

Despite the fact that our killer is a sloppy, living, human,

I've been hearing some very diverse theories on who he might be. A Landvik reject, maybe, or an asylum escapee.

I don't personally care, but I hope his death is funny.
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Wednesday, February 13th, 2013

Each time I looked up at the moon tonight I had to wonder whether it was beginning to grin or closing its smile. I know that people today would just go look at a computer for their answers, but I like the wonder of it and the surprise of the next few nights as the shadow shifts.
I prefer the cool glow of the winter sky opposed to the static from electronic. Not to mention electronics don't really like me all too much.
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