Tuesday, May 21st, 2013



[ filtered to employees and trainees, visible to sr. officers ]
Being in a state of healing means there's a lot of time for thinking, and I've been doing a lot of that lately. Among the things I was thinking was the idea of holding a vigil for those who have passed, out of respect and thoughtfulness for them. However, on one hand, it's a way to say goodbye, and on the other, it may be a prime opportunity for someone -- or several someones -- to strike.

Of course, it is just an idea, so shoot it down if it's awful. Thoughts?

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Wednesday, May 8th, 2013


guys, did i hear right earlier? there was a grave full of people? another trainee told me, but she didn't know the details. does anyone know the details? am i allowed to ask or is that not allowed? :(
(30 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, May 1st, 2013


[ filter: senior officers and the following families → Maclaren, Quinn, Raine, Renaud, Winters ]

Firstly, I do not want any fucking whining or childish behaviour with what I have to inform you. I'm not even going to reply to it. Not where you can see it, anyway.

Your families have come up as targets by the people who arranged the fires and kidnapping. There is a reason why you have not been informed until now. Intelligence was required to make sure this was a truth and there was a need to track without interferences of some hysterical creature wanting to run home to protect their family themselves. Because of it coming up true, obviously some measure of protection should be dealt out but I cannot speak on behalf of the senior officers. But these people are trained and cruel. Our security is weak. There will be death. Prepare yourselves if they are successful. I'm not. I can't allow I Fuckity fuck

Do not let this information leave here unless it is to contact a member of your family that IS at Landvik that you trust and only if they can't see this. Inform me, and I will add them if necessary. Note how I said family, not your fucking BFF. Containing this now means we can see where the holes are in our security. If you have a need to contact your family outside of Landvik, speak to a senior officer. But I do not advise seeing them. Except I want to go home, fucking hell You might make it easier for them to be found.

That is all.

[ooc: this has been backdated to April 26th. read this if you want your character added and how that will be treated.]
(74 comments | Leave a comment)

Friday, April 19th, 2013


Respond and report anything you saw or heard, VCU. But, above all, let people fucking know you're alive.

[ filter: private ]

FUCKING FUCK FUCK FUCK who are these assholes? Just how did they get in? Why wasn't security upgraded? What the hell is going on and why are we failing?

Jesus Christ.
(22 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, April 14th, 2013


My condolences go out to all those who knew Ms. Sampson and the others who were recently found, I hope they passed peacefully and with little pain. I cannot even fathom what their family and friends were going through.

It is a small consolation to learn that the case has been put into our hands, with so many affected we certainly have our work cut out for us.
(12 comments | Leave a comment)

Friday, April 12th, 2013

I saw who delivered the bomb threats in the mailboxes. I was watching the screen when others were analyzing the footage of that morning. The person was trying to keep her face hidden by a hood from her sweatshirt, but I believe I know her or, rather, knew her. At least, I'm pretty sure. From what little of her face I saw, she reminded me of Josephine. If anyone who was around about the time the academy opened, you might remember her. She was training in the Shifter Crimes Unit. She had short black hair, light blue eyes, and was about 5'5". She was kind of loud and didn't last very long. I believe she was gone by December of that year.

I don't know how she got in. She shouldn't have had anything that allowed her to pass through the doors, through security.
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[ filter: private ]

It's such a pain in the ass to bite my tongue when I want to slap even if I know King wouldn't disapprove. At least some of the stupid isn't around or in plain sight. Small favours for my sanity.

[ filter: vcu; visible to the senior officers ]

It wouldn't kill any of us to make group training something we can do at least once every two weeks. I would have said once a week but we do have work to attend to. And let's see what we can do about watching over our own shifters and werewolves. It'll be fucking annoying to have to deal with those in mourning if we lose one. Tomorrow, Sunday or whenever is ideal for most of us.

Obviously this isn't mandatory. I hardly could make it so but it's a suggestion. Feel free to make your own. As long as it isn't foolish. And don't ask dumb questions.

[ filter: public ]

If anyone's living alone, you may want to change that or just keep better contact with your neighbours. Until matters are resolved.
(18 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, April 10th, 2013

I wish they would let more Spectres do the bomb searches, then I wouldn't have to worry that more people might get hurt.
I'm sorry so many people have to be so stressed in these jobs that the Academy provides.
(13 comments | Leave a comment)

Friday, April 5th, 2013

Nothing like a lovely lunch over the weekend to get started on the week- and before you know it, this week is over.

I've taken a look at the missing activists files, but so far nothing that might pertain to my department has come up.
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Thursday, April 4th, 2013

Birthday stuff for July. An fyi. )

While I love living in the Housing here, I really really want a cat. Can't we have pets, Lukas? I mean, Shifters are running around all the time and, like, I don't see the problem.

Unless the Shifters would eat them. But I don't think they would, because if they were going to, they wouldn't be able to work here, right?

In work-related news, next week I get to go on a mission with one partner. That's a big deal! A really, really big deal! I'm so scared What should I wear? What if my partner is stupid and we end up killing pe I think I'm going to do some extra time at the gym just in case.
(30 comments | Leave a comment)

Friday, March 29th, 2013


[ filter: private ]

There are demons who are skilled in terror and mischief, who are a true threat to humanity. And then there is just trash not even worth pissing on, the rot and stench proof of how low-class they are. At least that failure Esther and hacker girl are still somehow more useful.

I can't believe I'm even saying that about those two. I feel dirty.

[ filter: vcu; visible to the senior officers ]

Zephaniah, you handle training in some section of the VCU, correct? It would benefit everyone if we did something as a group. This is a suggestion with voluntary attendance. I'm not keen on our unit having to go through the bullshit it did before.

[ filter: esther ]

If you ever sneeze on me again, your nose will be my trophy.

[ filter: public ]

I want to tear everyone's throat out with my teeth and grind my heels in your eye sockets. None of you know how important the Academies are. Among those I find tolerable or may find temporarily tolerable, who drinks? Not for this moment but for future reference.
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Sunday, March 24th, 2013

fourth bite.


[ filter; private ]
You are all making a disgusting, annoying fuss over something that should be expected. We're surrounded by species that can rip your head off in seconds. We're dispatched on dangerous missions where we also risk our lives because shit doesn't always go according to plan. Are you all new, or do you frantically grasp at any excuse to flip your shit? You are not all perfect specimens. You are not in a position to judge. You are not incapable of failure, because you will all fall someday. Pigs, the lot of you, squealing and whining.

Calm your fucking tits.

[ filter; vcu, blocked from esther ]
So-- a lot of the details are uncertain, and all of the inconsistent gossip is... making me dizzy. Was Esther involved in the mission?

(8 comments | Leave a comment)

Saalfeld would not have put up with this shit

Who the fuck was in charge of doling out the details for that mission? And are they fired?
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Saturday, March 23rd, 2013


[ filter: esther ]

YOU GET OUT OF HIDING RIGHT NOW Hellhound, if you make me hunt you down, I will show you how awful my temper really can get.

You will answer my questions and you'll do it to my face.
(6 comments | Leave a comment)

tonight i'm getting over you

Is anyone else looking forward to the new season of Game of Thrones starting on the 31st? I've been flipping out, re-watching the first two seasons so I'm ready. I'm considering having a viewing party for the first episode of the season if anyone is interested, I even went and ordered some GoT schwag. I got these awesome GoT figurines and some Baratheon and Stark pint glasses. However, nothing has proven to be a more fantastic find than the Youtube series School of Thrones. It's so worth the views. 'Prom Night is dark, and full of terrors' might just be the most fantastic quote ever.

In other news, I really need to stop baking so much when I'm upsetbored, because I currently have way more brownie cupcakes than I know what to do with. The peanut butter frosting is downright addictive, too. I can't eat these all by myself, people, so if anyone wants any I can make up a bag for you. I've also got chocolate chip peanut butter cookies, and leftover chicken alfredo from last nights' dinner because I made way too much. Maybe I should just offer cooking lessons so al this creativity can be put to good use... anyway, all the food is free to a good home, so don't be shy.
(44 comments | Leave a comment)

[Filter: VCU (away from Esther) & trainees]


What is the deal with this morning? the slayer unit was kind of flipping out. Deets? Did someone get fired? I think I heard someone mention Esther
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Monday, March 18th, 2013


At least what was happening to us ended with some good news. Even if King seems too content for my liking.

That aside, I hope we've all learned a lesson about having nice things in this ridiculous place. So ship back home whatever you love if you still have it or bury it good and deep. I don't see them exactly deterred from returning.
(79 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, March 16th, 2013

contrary to popular belief, being in court is not hard.

particularly when you're just there to answer questions. because, really, all you have to do is sit there and answer questions like a grown-up instead of voicing your opinion, or god fucking forbid- your feelings like a complete fuckstick.

name one problem that has ever been solved by getting overly emotional. name one.

i get that it happens, but fucking suck it up.
(34 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, March 10th, 2013


[ filter: private ]

I fucking wish most of you were dead for just not being enough of anything. I wish I could kill a good portion of you. With fire - cleansing, sweet fire. I was happier this morning, I was laughing and now I feel like my head is going to explode and my feet hurt because I stepped on a fucking broken bottle when I was dancing and fuck m e it hurts

and I don't even know why I stay here sometimes

I want more than this. And I don't want to feel this frustrated.

[ filter: public ]

I remember when I wasn't surrounded by morons. I actually fucking remember it and it makes me wish someone would do me the goddamn favour of arranging that to happen again.

I've already fucked off home and maybe tomorrow the majority of you won't look so pathetic.

But I wouldn't bet on it. Maybe I won't feel so I want I need
(27 comments | Leave a comment)


How are you all so bloody happy, and in some cases naked or nearly so? I feel miserable... I just want...

No, I can't say that. Highly improper. So improper.

...forget it. Forget everything.
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