Wednesday, March 27th, 2013

I find myself in need of a sparring partner. There is only so much you can do with dummies after all. So if anyone is interested...

Preferably someone that heals fast, too. Just to be safe.
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Saturday, March 23rd, 2013

Oliver, when you're ready we'll talk about the bird and the bees.

Or I'll make you browse 4chan. Whichever works.

Rhys, I expect you to be a gentleman.

Everyone else- carry on folks, nothing to see here.
(371 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, March 21st, 2013



are hangovers always very bad? mine is gone i think, but monday was terrible. didn't know alcohol could make you feel like that. during or after. also think the term is 'shitfaced' so i hope this doesn't happen again with next week coming closer.

and why celebrate saint patrick's if you're not irish? do the irish celebrate it too? parker said it was normal in america.

(88 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, March 19th, 2013

21 guns

Regarding my behavior over the past week, in case anyone was wondering...

[ filter; oliver ]
Potentially crazy question, considering, but you're not gonna like... disavow any and all knowledge of my existence now, right? I mean, I really do want to be your frie... You know what? I should probably forget it. It was nice kissing you. So... thanks for that.

[ filter; rasui ]
I've been thinking... we should maximize our space, and maybe turn a room into like, an entertainment center or something. We could even, possibly, if you're cool with it, both use my bed and use your room for that. Or not. Whatever. I don't want to sleep alo

[ filter; private ]
I bet Oliver hates me. I'd hate me. It's a shame, he's cute and a good kisser... and I doubt Evan wants to see me either. I should become a hermit crab or loony woods-dweller. My dad is so mad at me about my mom's bracelet, I can't remember the last time he screamed like that. It sucks, I was doing so well and now all I can think about is that it's been six years and it doesn't even feel like one has passed. Ugh, I need to get schwasted, or something.
(35 comments | Leave a comment)

what- um. what do you do with a leprechaun? if- you come across one?

i have a-

it's scaring me.
(41 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, March 17th, 2013


In the words of the native people of the Irish nation -- 'Beannachtai na fhéile Pádraig!'
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This place moves too fast for me.
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NO ONE BITCH TO ME OR ANYTHING ABOUT YESTERDAY MORNING it was awful just awful and fml so much

(119 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, March 16th, 2013


leprechaun took my ring, it had to have not going to cry not going to my heart hurts

thankyou to all those who tried to find it but I think I have todeal with it myself. should have never taken it off, never i shouldn't At least when I have it in my hands. do you find one of these that robbed you? Has anyone done it? Help me, please, I need to do it
(49 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, March 12th, 2013


[ filtered AWAY from Lukas and the Administration ]
"Just for once, I want the right thing and the topless thing to be the same thing."- Kelso, That 70's Show

This is like, the story of my lifewer lately. That, and getting the frickin'lady equivalent of blue balls from a certain douchewaffle who shall not be named. Man, fuck that guy, and fukc everteything that's not likew... i dunno... pizza.

Yeah... I'd like to give a shout-out to someof my favorite things, pizza andtequila and Netflix. Anyone who isn'tmy dumb roomie wanna join me?

Oh, and becauseI can andI thinkits funyn...

(not cut icly) )
(131 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, March 10th, 2013

Is everyone drunk? I don't feel all that well myself, but I plan on keeping my pants on, I guess. Although if someone asks nicely

I wish people kept it to themselves though.
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Monday, February 11th, 2013

since i know shit about literature, someone answer me this:

what novels, plays or stories could have been represented on the other three cases? the romeo and juliet is kinda obvious, but maybe whoever is doing this is picking scenes for a reason

too bad i really have nothing to add so far myself
(60 comments | Leave a comment)

first of july.


Guys. Guys. We'll find this fucker, alright? There are like 83784703 of us, and 1 of him. WE GOT THIS SHIT. People always leave evidence, smart or dumb, and we've got some of the best noses and eyes and spidey senses on this whole planet.* We're not gonna kick our feet up yet, but let's remember it'll work out in the end, k? K.


* I'm actually serious okay
(77 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, February 9th, 2013


Everything is so stressful right now, what with everyone being on high-alert. I can only imagine what it must be like to be a trainee right now, sitting through classes while you know certain units are on a manhunt. But we must remain positive about everything and know there will be a good outcome, eventually. Hopefully sooner than later, but. There is only so much that can be done when the facts are so limiting.

Maybe we should remember happier times? Those that have been at Landvik for a while, what is your favorite experience? Or maybe just a good feeling?

I suppose mine would be when we had study groups for some of our courses. Every Wednesday, a small handful of us grabbed coffee and chatted over what we had learned in our classes. It was like a little family ─ I really liked that.


I know I should be staying positive, but even I'm unable to keep some negative emotions from slipping into my mood. I'm not even sure they're all worked related.

This state of being has far too many complications.

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Thursday, February 7th, 2013

curfew means all the little kids are staying inside and making noise. there goes any peaceful nights i might have had

has there be any new information regarding the crimes? any at all?
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broke the microwave i think. i am sure because it was making fireworks but pulled out the plug before it could explode. can a broken microwave be fixed?

i also broke the pot. am thinking it can't be fixed because it melted a small bit.

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