Monday, May 27th, 2013

fifteenth of july.



ATTN: THOSE LIVING IN HENRIETTA. If you get caught in a flour cloud on the way into the kitchen, it was not my fault that the dough refused to cooperate and I might've hulksmashed the flour in fleeting fit of anger and there's still flour EVERYWHERE on the floor EVEN THOUGH I SWEPT

but on the bright side

oatmeal chocolate chip cookies for those who can eat? ♥

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Tuesday, May 21st, 2013

The doctor said that my ankle will be alright again in two or three weeks. I think that's good, considering that I have been unable to walk properly for the past four weeks. I suppose things are getting better... Hopefully the nightmares will get better, too. All the images of Evan, his death. I can't.

[Spectral Crimes Unit]
I feel like I've missed a lot. Could you please update me on the most important things that have happened?
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Monday, May 13th, 2013



[ filter; forensics ]
Do you ever find that the need to continue working outweighs the need to sleep? I understand the importance of physical and mental health with regard to productivity, but I have been sleeping less over the last two months, and I find it difficult to relax once in bed. Would sleeping pills help with this?

[ filter; faeries ]
I have those I want to protect and keep safe, and I do consider you all family, so I will work hard to ensure we find something of value in the lab. But please, protect each other. I would never wish or want to see any of you in danger.

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Monday, April 22nd, 2013

backdated to sunday, april 21. morning.

As fellow deceased, how do you respond towards death around you? Do you feel an obligation to help? Have you ever saved a life before? On the other hand, have you ever watched someone die and purposefully not done anything about it? Are we meant to be mere observers, haunting and watching but naught else, or does our existence mean we are to do something?

Curiosity, of course. I have my own opinions already.

Are you devastated or rather not, I wonder.
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Sunday, April 14th, 2013



Please rest assured that Forensics will be working their hardest to determine if there is any evidence we can use for out benefit. My condolences and good wishes go out to Six, her friends, family, and unit.

I feel this might either be an inopportune time, or perhaps the most opportune, but my roommate decided to leave last week very abruptly from the Academy. She was a shifter, so I understand why she felt it necessary. Is anyone currently rooming on their own, or has anyone recently lost a roommate and is in need of company until a new roommate is settled for us both? I understand if not, but pairs are far safer now than being alone, and it would be of a comfort to me to know I can help someone feel at ease.

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Sunday, April 7th, 2013


Nothing like coming back from info-gathering and seeing bad news. God give rest to Emil's soul and let his son not suffer further loss. Though with the way things are, I don't think his mother ... Christ, this is depressing. Stay safe, my friends. Watch each other's back and keep your guard up even on Academy grounds. With the lack of evidence found, I'm not counting out anything.

Gotta wonder, and no intended offense to anyone, but how violent can spectres be? Can they do the damage that happened with Emil?

[ filter: esther ]

Esther, how's your head?
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Monday, April 1st, 2013

the truth the dead know.

Poetry is an interesting thing. I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul. The attempts of people to reach a higher level of consciousness. Funnily enough, I believe most of them end up depressed. Or were they depressed in the first place, and that accounts for the desire for something else?
And what of the dead? They lie without shoes
in the stone boats. They are more like stone
than the sea would be if it stopped. They refuse
to be blessed, throat, eye and knucklebone.
Art in general is interesting, really. I have heard that humans are distinct from animals because of their ability to create and appreciate art. But when art becomes not a question of talent, but purely of creativity -- and it seems that anything can be a work of art, based not upon what is actually there but upon its potential ability to make someone, somewhere, feel something beyond the work itself, does that tread the fine line between art and not-art, or does it destroy it entirely? Then would not everything on this earth be able to be considered art? If human excrement in a museum can make someone have an internal revelation, I don't see why your neighbor's breakfast isn't capable of the same thing. Or would art then have to be defined by the desire of the creator to make art?

In other news, if anybody has any of those leftover plastic Easter eggs, I could use them. Without the candy or whatever else comes inside, I don't need that.

And you are quiet.
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Wednesday, March 20th, 2013

add me to the many with missing jewelry. luckily nothing with sentimental value was stolen or else these leprechauns would be flayed alive have a problem. thanks to these little assholes, DCU's workload has tripled. hope the rest of you are ready for more all-nighters.

[filter: jasmine]
you should be ashamed of yourself anything of yours missing? not mother's necklace, i hope.
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Tuesday, March 19th, 2013

what- um. what do you do with a leprechaun? if- you come across one?

i have a-

it's scaring me.
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I'm certain I'm pleased about the verdict, but I am also still confused about last week? I've encountered leprechauns in the past, though they're never forced me to be intoxicated for days at a time. Has anyone caught one lately? Will they return stolen goods if asked or bribed? I'm only grateful the jewelry I received on my birthday was safe.

Another question: who is still interested in a movie night?

[ filter; lachlan ]
How is your arm, Lachlan?

[ filter; dylan ]
If you should ever feel like you need someone and don't know where to go, please know you're always welcome in my room. I know Danae will feel the same.

[ filter; oliver ]
I should have come to see you earlier, but last week was quite frankly a mess. Was everything okay for you? You weren't injured or embarrassed very much, were you?

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Thursday, March 7th, 2013

third of july.


I started watching Skins from the beginning. Again. All my feels. ALL MY FUCKING FEELS. Like this. And this. Gen one will always be my babies. MAXXIE AND HIS BEAUTIFUL FACE. Cassie and her cray. Sid and his awkward fail. Chris and his everything awesome ever. MICHELLE WHO?

And I'm not trying to hate on British accents or anything, but this shit needs subs sometimes. I am dreading when I have to get to gen two and listen to Cook say nonsensical shit because that accent is fucking indistinguishable okay. Wot the fok, man.

Pls tell me I'm not the only one who watches British TV. IF NO ONE WATCHES MISFITS, I'LL CRY OR SOMETHING.

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Sunday, February 24th, 2013

I must sleep to have nightmares, right? That's how it works? I wish I didn't.
Krupin suggested that I write down my dreams, but writing them down won't help if I am the only one that sees them. I mean, how would be a researcher work if we didn't see work written by others.

The latest one was not like so many of my others... Instead of their faces covered with ash and flames licking the soft crying faces. I dreamt of two dancers on a black stage. The start by sitting next to each other though one had their back toward me. Low music started playing and as one began to move the other shifted elegantly to block her. Every time she would move away the other would grab a hold of her somehow. The back and forth of the escape and capture happened across the stage. Then when the other moved its limbs and the girl moved the same like it had taken control. She being its puppet. Finally she breaks free, leaving the other on the ground. It grasps at her leg trying one last time, but the girl has the control finally. The dance ends as the light fades and they return to the positions they started in.
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Tuesday, February 12th, 2013


Anyone else just feel like a bloodhound at this point? Maybe we should start howling and running on all fours.


Well. We've established that shit is fucked up. Have we ruled out our own though? Who else could really keep getting away with this shit without leaving any real evidence behind? Unless forensics as a whole is involved, sneaky geeks.

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Monday, February 11th, 2013

I couldn't imagine having died like that. There's this strange beauty to the way they were displayed, but do we know if they had a quick death? I hope it was a quick death. Don't tell me if it wasn't. I don't think I want to know.
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Tuesday, February 5th, 2013

poked around the crime scene to see if maybe there were Spectres around. you know ... of the victims. nothing.

pretty happy that they got to move on at least.
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Sunday, February 3rd, 2013



Birthdays are very interesting to me. It might be because mine have never been standard birthdays...? Immortal birthdays one after the other become very monotonous. I don't have a name day -- Rozália is the closest -- though I play make-believe on September 4th nonetheless. Who celebrates a birthday? What do you do? Is it terribly complicated?

[filter; forensics employees]
The timing of my birthday at the end of the month is extremely inopportune, but I've been considering having a celebration of some sort? It would be small. It would also have to take place after this mission, provided the culprit is apprehended. (Provided it is even one culprit to begin with.)

But I don't know the first thing about normal birthdays. ... I might require some coaching. Do books on birthday traditions exist? I was at the public library all day and found nothing.

[filter; danae]
I miss my family and could use a very brief snuggle if you were so inclined

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in which morgan tells it like it is.


Are you all going to continue moaning and groaning about who did or didn't do it? Point the fingers all you like, but nothing will get done, I assure you. Really, for me to be a voice of reason? Sad, little ones. Very sad. Do yourselves a favor and slap yourself in the face. Maybe the shock of pain will get you to stop collectively whining and instead doing something, oh, useful. I'll make sure to tell Monday not to be disappointed.

Now, I forgot to say hello when I came in. Hello, Landvik. My name is Common Sense.

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