Sunday, May 5th, 2013


[backdated to the day after everyone was rescued]

She was actually scared.
(9 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, March 28th, 2013

I have been silent for a while. Issues arose in the form of leprechauns. I'm not ashamed to say they got the best of me and the academy. This happens sometimes. Items have already been replaced and more work will be done. I'm hoping it will be finished by the 1st of April. If anyone has missing items, please let me know. I cannot say I will get them back for you, but they could have been misplaced during the excitement.

There were also a lot of posts talking about a mission. I suppose it's time to divulge some information. Two teams went out armed with information given to them by Hunters in their units. It was the wrong information. One member of the team, Tyler Ronson, seriously injured. Other members were also hurt. I do not feel the need to go into too much detail, but I will say if there is anyone to be blamed for this, it is the Hunters. It is their intel that our Gunslingers and Slayers rely on when going out in the field. While this may seem harsh coming from me, I have no tolerance for mistakes. The job everyone is here to do or learning to do is tough enough without having to worry about the information they are receiving.

So, I have a warning to all Hunters and everyone out there responsible for information that will directly effect others: you put anyone in danger like that again, you will be fired.

Also, I must bring up filters. I can read anything and everything that is not placed under filters. I would rather not read everything, and I'm sure some of the information is not meant for my eyes.

And have some respect for others.
(14 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, March 27th, 2013

[Filter: Clover and the Twins]
Are we capable of being friends with our food?
Or is that like naming a pig on a farm and calling it your friend?
(39 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, March 25th, 2013


This is what I found on the internet... who says work has to be boring?
Oh right, I'm suppose to be looking into Cold Cases.
(10 comments | Leave a comment)

[Filter: Gabriel]

Maybe they'll self-destruct without us having to lift a finger.
(8 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, March 12th, 2013

[Filter: Clover]
I LUV U! u are so awesome nd so much bettre than the othre two that dont dome out of their stupid hoels!

[Filter: Mean Twins]
tats wyh i make a game ot it and poooor weRewvoles are so easy to blam. LOL.
(37 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, March 10th, 2013

[FILTER: twins]

Fuuuuuuuck it. Let's kill them all now.
(19 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, February 12th, 2013

[Filter: Twins]
The girl has a big mouth.
(9 comments | Leave a comment)

Do we take on these forms so that it's easier to manipulate people? Like smiling.

[Twins that Clover spoke of]
She said you weren't all too friendly, but I figured I should say hello.
(33 comments | Leave a comment)

[Filter: Twins]

Brains are in short supply around here.

[Filter: Twins & Clover]

We're not getting involved. Repeat after me, 'Not getting involved'.
(25 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, February 5th, 2013


I miss the 1920s sometimes.

[ filter: researchers [all fields] + vampires ]

What you think of the symbolism with the big case in Vinter? It reeks of great loss on part of the suspect. Love, tragedy. Like a story being told from childhood to adulthood. The male role is grieving, giving, wanting. The female is vulnerable each time.

Roses are obvious, they scream of romance and love. Pearls symbolize purity and perfection, the nudity a suggestion of how humans come into this world. Again, an idea of being innocence if you don't run with the Catholic crowd. The wire gives an idea of being trapped. The killer could have used a variety of things to wrap the girl's fists but they chose wire. The sophistication behind the crimes suggest every single detail was planned.

It feels human with great emotion involved. It could even be more than one individual doing this, each one telling Vinter one story at a time.
(52 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, February 4th, 2013


[Filter: Gabriel]

Hm, hm, hm.
(108 comments | Leave a comment)