Saturday, June 1st, 2013


Everyone, I need your help. This is really important to me. It's not life-changing at all but it could be, depending on the turn out.

What's a good breakfast place here in Vinter or in Tromsø‎?
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Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013

I suppose this might seem a bit superfluous in this academy and though some of you might not enjoy spending time together, I was wondering if I could interest any of you in a possible book club? I was reading in my favorite cafe the other day and I thought to myself, 'My! It would be quite lovely if I had some friends to discuss this piece of fine literature with,' and though I did try the internet, it seems that the majority of message boards are populated by [...] 'trolls'? I fear I am unfamiliar with the term! Nonetheless, not very many of the conversations proved productive -- in fact, they seemed primarily populated by clever pictures...

Ah, yes, back to the topic at hand! So, a book club. Would all you dear lovers of the written word out yourselves for a possible bi-weekly meeting? I know you might not want to spend additional time with some of your co-workers, but it could be nice to also do some socialising outside of the office. I do humbly offer my own living quarters for the majority of the meetings, and I look forward to possibly serving dinners & teas to those who attend.

[FILTER: Roza]
I quite enjoyed our little tea date, pet. Shall we have one again sometime soon?
[FILTER: Angels]
Do you suppose the Bible might be a bit too heavy a piece of work for the first few sessions of Book Club?
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Friday, May 17th, 2013

angels really do the darndest things.

nothing makes me laugh more than my job, i swear. all giggles over here.
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Monday, May 6th, 2013

It's funny how your cooking skills can improve when you have to care for a bunch of disabled people. I can now cook three dishes instead of just preparing instant meals. I'm pretty damn proud of myself, I have to admit. Rian, Diarmuid, you owe me big time!


How's my favorite husband today? Did I accidentally poison you with the food? I hope not. Did my nurse outfit help you endure the pain?
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Saturday, May 4th, 2013

Stop me if I've said this already, but I'm bored. This part of the world was exciting for a short time, but, right now, it seems everything is back to "normal" and moving at a snail's pace. Maybe, if I go to sleep, I will wake up a few hundred years in the future and fine something more interesting to talk about.

This isn't even interesting, and I'm the one writing this thing. That's it... I think I'm just desperate enough to do this... Does anyone want to do something? I refuse to wait on those who are still very much injured. Somethingone that can speak too. Angels are served first.
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