Saturday, March 23rd, 2013

I'm so glad this whole "being drunk" thing is finally over. It has been rather exhausting and I didn't get anything done during this time. Being a kitty pile with Parker has been fun, though.

On another not: I saw people being brought into hospital. Can someone tell me what's going on? It didn't look like an average mission injury.
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Wednesday, March 20th, 2013


So -- I've not been drunk in years never been drunk before, but I couldn't have done that much wrong, because -- I have a date this weekend?!
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Friday, March 15th, 2013

So everyone knows where they're at. )

Also I think a St. Paddy's day celebration is in order! PARTY AT THE PUP AND WOLF RESIDENCE!
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Thursday, March 14th, 2013


I THINK MY ROOMMATE IS DYING!!!!!! shes really sick and she wont get out of bed and i brought her tea and soup but it didnt work what do i do :( she's a really nice roommate and i really like her and i dont want her to die so PLEASE HELP :( I NEED ADVICE!! WHAT DO I DO!!

oh and isabella you are not allowed to come over please!
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⌈ t h r e e ⌋


What day is this? Since this started, because I haven't been counting. Yesterday was Day I Put My House Keys In The Freezer And Forgot for me. The day before was Day I Accidentally Left The Shower Running For Hours. I think I'm trying to confuse myself on purpose. Why would I do that?

And I don't think I am supposed to be craving a grilled cheese sandwich but I am. I attempted one earlier and forgot about it and set the alarm off. Maybe just cheese. I could go for some brie on crisps. Are any stores open at this hour?

Now I'm undecided. Cheese sandwich or brie and crisps?

This is a difficult decision.

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Wednesday, March 13th, 2013

I have the best roomie ever! I think she stopped a thief or whatever! She's like Wonder Woman only not lame or something, maybe Silk Spectre ahahahahahaha get it? NUDGE NUDGE! Damian, Damian, Damaian, we should forget ice cream and get greasy awesome french fries instead! And instead of ponies we should get tigers! My cousin is a tiger! Maybe she'll let us ride on her back!
(12 comments | Leave a comment)

Friday, March 8th, 2013


[ filter: private ]
Dearest Father,

It was in the eleventh century while I was stuck stationed in Italy when I stopped counting how long it had been since I had been in your presence. Also, the number was depressing me and I didn't want the next day to depress me further. Do you keep count of how long it's been since you threw cast damned gave us that tender, careful push out? You are all-knowing, you must know. Forgive me for asking.

Are there any of us still with you? If so, why are they allowed to be with you? Why can't I Or are you content at seeing us all here, with the creations so favoured it makes me sick that constantly need guidance and forgiveness. It is true, they never seem to learn and those that do tend to have epiphanies toward the end of their limited lives. There is a scant number that are good and sensible from the start but they don't tend to live long in this world. The demons have a strong hold and wickedness is rampant. May I suggest another flood? Minus the ark? Minus any human survivors? Maybe you can start again

Regardless of whatever you decide, I will do what I can. I will always do what I can. I love you I love you how dare you Please don't forget me, Father.

Your eternally patient but desperate to come home please take me back right now why have you one,
(currently) Athanasia

P.S. I don't understand faeries. Please help.
[ filter: all but excluding humans, demons & vampires ]

A cat wandered into my life pregnant gave birth about three months ago and I need to dole out the kittens. They are bicoloured cats (black and white) and long-haired. They have had their shots and necessary check-ups. The mother cat won't be spawning anymore as she was very recently spayed.

There are also five of them but four will be given away. I'm keeping one because she clings my wrist and forearm like a small handbag. I won't be sending them to homes with demons.

[ filter: public ]

None of you have anything of value or substance to speak of. You're all going to hell, filthy creatures Constantly giving into the temptation to do whatever and say whatever. No restraint, no fear from the one who created us all Sometimes, I feel like I'm surrounded by teenagers gushing over movies or television or liberally hating for no reason other than that they can. Lukas Landvik, you're screwed.

If there is someone with more than a modicum of self-respect and good sense tell me what you do in your spare time. And if you know of a good stable or a rink for skating. I'll drive any reasonable distance.
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Thursday, March 7th, 2013


I just want to throw my support out there for an Academy movie night. But I definitely don't think Parker should be in charge of it ─ he'll only invite the ladies. Though speaking of ladies, how about a legal aged girls go out and get drunk night? That sounds fun.


I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking that King asshole needs to be mauled and torn from existence. I don't get this bullshit some people are trying to sell. Oh woe, the poor widdle killer might be mentally damaged. He might not have known what he did. He fucking killed people, ffs. Mental or not, he needs to fuck off from life.

(248 comments | Leave a comment)

ELISA how I love you; you are so amazing in your ability to pick out the antigens that make up our various species.

Ok, now that love for my various chemical reactions and machinery is over. How about that Forensics movie night? Or a movie night in general?
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third of july.


I started watching Skins from the beginning. Again. All my feels. ALL MY FUCKING FEELS. Like this. And this. Gen one will always be my babies. MAXXIE AND HIS BEAUTIFUL FACE. Cassie and her cray. Sid and his awkward fail. Chris and his everything awesome ever. MICHELLE WHO?

And I'm not trying to hate on British accents or anything, but this shit needs subs sometimes. I am dreading when I have to get to gen two and listen to Cook say nonsensical shit because that accent is fucking indistinguishable okay. Wot the fok, man.

Pls tell me I'm not the only one who watches British TV. IF NO ONE WATCHES MISFITS, I'LL CRY OR SOMETHING.

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Wednesday, March 6th, 2013

I'm going to take a break from the trial talk...

I've been finding I like learning about Angels. I don't know if I should say this openly, but when I picked it, it was something I just threw out there. I never gave it a second thought. I suppose Vampires or Werewolves are just as interesting to learn about. However, Angels seem a little more magical to me.

I hope I didn't offend anyone . That wouldn't be a great way to start out my stay here.

Whoops! Almost left without introducing myself. My name is Maryse. I am a Faerie with beautiful violet wings, if I do say so myself. Hello, everyone. It's nice to meet you.
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Monday, March 4th, 2013

it's alright

It's funny, I had forgotten how much I love cooking when something is bothering me I get the chance. If it wasn't for my fathers' insistence that we relocate to Edinburgh I might've followed in my mom's footsteps and reopened her old bakery, but instead I stuck with cooking as a hobby. It's very therapeutic, though I feel bad for poor Ras...

last night's dinner... )

See? Homemade farfalle parmesana with leeks, mascarpone, and saffron, served with red wine. My roomie is going to get fat off my coping mechanism hobby if he's not careful! Maybe I should throw a little dinner party at some point...

[ filter; evan ]
Do you like gingerbread cookies? I wanted to thank you for putting up with me at Roza's party, and I apologize if I groped you at all while I was plastered.
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Sunday, March 3rd, 2013

in which morgan's player forgets to finish the title.


Why so moody these days, Landvik? Drink and be merry while it lasts.

In the meantime, those of you who are having one of those days should eat some fruit or do something productive with your irritation. Like listen to this classic song and punch a mirror or a child in the face. I also recommend screaming at unsuspecting people on the street, or terrorizing children in the park. Alternatively, there is the option of going to kill a Wiggle, but that requires a plane ticket.

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so, i've been 'smoke free' for about a week and a half.

fuck everyone and everything ever, basically.

[added sometime later, but deleted within seconds.]


you seriously fucking talked to-
oh, fuck you, too, tinker bell.
(91 comments | Leave a comment)

Friday, March 1st, 2013

Funny how fast things can go back to normal again. A week ago, the whole town was in uproar and now things have quickly gone back to normal. I like it, though. It feels like a very heavy load was taken off my mind and I can finally sleep again without waking up to a new terrible incident.

You owe everyone at the Academy a drink ;)
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Wednesday, February 27th, 2013

i'm going to start needing to find ways to enjoy myself that don't involve alcohol and smoking things.

anyone want to help me debase myself without the use of either?

still having those nightmares, dolly?
(158 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, February 25th, 2013

Hey Sasha, I need a run. Want to join me this afternoon?

I think once we take out our anger for kidnapping our girls on this guy's face, I'm treating everyone to a drink. Fuck this guy.
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Thursday, February 21st, 2013

⌈ o n e ⌋

[ filter; private ]
I understand trying to be light-hearted in a serious situation, but there are lines to be drawn, and some of them you can't cross. Why is humour so bloody relative?

[ filter; gunslingers ]
I don't know about this. The blood being the killer's. It was never confirmed the hair was his to begin with, so how can Forensics be so certain?

[ filter; edmund & damian, visible to nelly ]
It's I don't Sometimes I wonder-- why does Lukas let people who can't take a serious matter seriously into the Academy? Just generally. This isn't a playground.
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The blood is the killers! And it has the same DNA as the hair! So they are the same person! Score!

He cut himself on a knife found two feet away from the female body. There were blood spatters moving away from the scene. He was moving very quickly. Running. Because he was a coward. (They usually are.)

If you don't know, there was a piece of a jacket ripped and stuck on a branch. It was wool. And had the same kind of fibers as millions of other wool jackets bought from a plethora of stores in Europe. So far, that's almost a dead end. I'll see what I can find if I dig deeper. Or someone else can. I'm not a fan of that stuff. I like the science. Searching is not science.

The food is normal food. I haven't found anything to show where it was bought or cooked, but I'm working on it. I didn't work on the table, but it looked pretty clean of trace elements. I could be wrong. I can check on that...

So, well, it might not seem like enough, but I'm calling it a success.
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