Monday, May 13th, 2013

[Filter: Damian & Alec]

I'm taking her body back home for the burial.

[Filter: James]




You know-

I need to go home for a few days.
(39 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, May 9th, 2013

[friends of rian]

My brother is in ICU Heading back home for awhile. Family emergency. Can someone (not Valentina. no offense) take care of PhiPhi? Might be a week, might be two. I'll keep you updated.
(23 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, May 7th, 2013

the twelfth swipe.

[ filter; lcu ]
Before anyone starts missing me too much or already started, I got suspended got the longest fucking vacation I've never had I'm on leave until June. If I forget who you are in two months, don't take it too personally.

[ filter; valeria ]
See you're up and about.

[ filter; esther ]
I'm I don't Sorry about last time. Sorry I'm such a
(76 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, May 2nd, 2013

[Filter: Damian & Alec]

We're meeting at Alec's place- we need a word immediately.

[Filter: James]

We need to talk. Will you be home later tonight?
(56 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, May 1st, 2013


[ filter: senior officers and the following families → Maclaren, Quinn, Raine, Renaud, Winters ]

Firstly, I do not want any fucking whining or childish behaviour with what I have to inform you. I'm not even going to reply to it. Not where you can see it, anyway.

Your families have come up as targets by the people who arranged the fires and kidnapping. There is a reason why you have not been informed until now. Intelligence was required to make sure this was a truth and there was a need to track without interferences of some hysterical creature wanting to run home to protect their family themselves. Because of it coming up true, obviously some measure of protection should be dealt out but I cannot speak on behalf of the senior officers. But these people are trained and cruel. Our security is weak. There will be death. Prepare yourselves if they are successful. I'm not. I can't allow I Fuckity fuck

Do not let this information leave here unless it is to contact a member of your family that IS at Landvik that you trust and only if they can't see this. Inform me, and I will add them if necessary. Note how I said family, not your fucking BFF. Containing this now means we can see where the holes are in our security. If you have a need to contact your family outside of Landvik, speak to a senior officer. But I do not advise seeing them. Except I want to go home, fucking hell You might make it easier for them to be found.

That is all.

[ooc: this has been backdated to April 26th. read this if you want your character added and how that will be treated.]
(74 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, April 30th, 2013

Three things that suck about getting injured:
- Research duty. How do you researchers do this on a daily basis?
- I know way too much about soap operas now.
- Typing takes longer. This took me almost a half hour to type. Doesn't help there's an excitable dog dancing on my legs and hitting the phone with her tail.

Echoing what everyone else has said - glad everyone's back and hope you all make speedy recoveries. Especially if you've been put on research. I'm so bored.
(39 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, April 14th, 2013

Seems like this Academy likes to welcome new employees with a considerable amount of work. Not that I'm complaining, it's just nice to know that not everything is different at the several Academies.

On that note, let me introduce myself: My name is Alec Winters. Some of you might know me already since I've been here for a couple of days already, but I never got around to introduce myself officially. I've transferred from the London Academy just a few days ago and the people working in the Shifter Crimes unit will see me more frequently from now on. I look forward to a good cooperation!

[Filter: Edmund]
Hi there, Eddie.

[Filter: Vienne]
Hello beautiful~
(175 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, April 10th, 2013


Give the stupid comments a rest already. Bombs threats do not just happen in 'high school' or otherwise. We're an Academy going against what many in the world want. On top of that, we have a situation where activists, shifters and a shifter home have been targeted. It is neither 'ridiculous' nor something we are 'above'. It's going part of the job and there's going to be much worse before it gets better.

Grow the hell up if you want to survive here or just keep your mouths shut while the rest of us work seriously.

[ filter: edmund ]

I'm going out for an hour.
(53 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, April 9th, 2013

⌈ f i v e ⌋

I, for one, am glad that it was only a threat and nothing more. Did those letters go into every mailbox? How is that possible?
(37 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, April 4th, 2013

seventh of july.


If I could eat cake, I'd put a 9 and an 8 on my birthday cake because that's how old I'd be if I was still alive. But I'm not.

Happy birthday to me, anyway.

(31 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013


[ filter: private ]

That poor kid. Does Maggie wonder about her parents or is Lucretia explaining things to her? Like Agnes Gyldenløve must be with her grandson.

Goddamn it.

[ filter: public ]

Who's still in with volunteering to help? Let's try to arrange something so we're not all going out at the same time. I intend to go out on Wednesday afternoon and could take a couple of people with me. I intend to visit Agnes Gyldenløve in the morning if she'll receive me.
(86 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, March 30th, 2013

⌈ f o u r ⌋

[ filter; gunslingers, sans tyler ]
I think it goes without saying that after what happened last weekend, we should all take extra care in what information our Hunters give us. Double-check with them if you must, but make certain the information you receive is the correct information, however you can.

None of you deserve to end up as Ronson did, even if it was his own doing. And if anyone is interested in target practice, do let me know.

[ filter; damian & edmund ]
Are either of you doing something for Easter?
(26 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, March 24th, 2013

Saalfeld would not have put up with this shit

Who the fuck was in charge of doling out the details for that mission? And are they fired?
(99 comments | Leave a comment)

[Email; Damian]

Enjoy your time away. Just so you're aware of up-to-date events, a botched up mission left three employees in the hospital, and a slayer on probation. I've made you a copy of the details and names, they should be in your fax tray.
(17 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, March 23rd, 2013

tonight i'm getting over you

Is anyone else looking forward to the new season of Game of Thrones starting on the 31st? I've been flipping out, re-watching the first two seasons so I'm ready. I'm considering having a viewing party for the first episode of the season if anyone is interested, I even went and ordered some GoT schwag. I got these awesome GoT figurines and some Baratheon and Stark pint glasses. However, nothing has proven to be a more fantastic find than the Youtube series School of Thrones. It's so worth the views. 'Prom Night is dark, and full of terrors' might just be the most fantastic quote ever.

In other news, I really need to stop baking so much when I'm upsetbored, because I currently have way more brownie cupcakes than I know what to do with. The peanut butter frosting is downright addictive, too. I can't eat these all by myself, people, so if anyone wants any I can make up a bag for you. I've also got chocolate chip peanut butter cookies, and leftover chicken alfredo from last nights' dinner because I made way too much. Maybe I should just offer cooking lessons so al this creativity can be put to good use... anyway, all the food is free to a good home, so don't be shy.
(44 comments | Leave a comment)

I'm so glad this whole "being drunk" thing is finally over. It has been rather exhausting and I didn't get anything done during this time. Being a kitty pile with Parker has been fun, though.

On another not: I saw people being brought into hospital. Can someone tell me what's going on? It didn't look like an average mission injury.
(23 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, March 20th, 2013


[ filter: edmund, valeria & james ]

I'm leaving for London tomorrow. I'm combining business and personal here. This doesn't need to be aired to everyone, just those who need to know like Lukas.

I need the time away. I'll be back sometime on the weekend. Yes, all is fine, I just was delayed by the...week of random drunken behaviour. Ruby'll come with me so you don't need to worry about her, Edmund.
(51 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, March 18th, 2013


At least what was happening to us ended with some good news. Even if King seems too content for my liking.

That aside, I hope we've all learned a lesson about having nice things in this ridiculous place. So ship back home whatever you love if you still have it or bury it good and deep. I don't see them exactly deterred from returning.
(79 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, March 10th, 2013


How are you all so bloody happy, and in some cases naked or nearly so? I feel miserable... I just want...

No, I can't say that. Highly improper. So improper.

...forget it. Forget everything.
(72 comments | Leave a comment)

⌈ t w o ⌋


I can't be certain but I don't think it's normal to wake up feeling like you drank several pints of beer when you did not drink the night before. At least not that you remember.

It took me two minutes to type that. Help?

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