Tuesday, May 21st, 2013

I never thought this day would come, but I actually graduated. Now I'm a proper employee and can do all the employee-y things~ Fuck yeah, I have privileges now ♥

I'm going to throw a little party tonight. I mean, you only graduate from this shit once, right?

11 pm. The Glamour club. Holy shit, I can't afford it. Drinks are on me~
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[Filter: Friends]




also I need a bath I smell of garbage. BRUSHIE BRUSHIE?!
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Sunday, May 12th, 2013

This case is like living in Little Red Riding Hood...only minus the annoying child. But a hunting opportunity is never a waste, so I suppose it works out.

Folks that don't live at Landvik, recs for places to rent? (Or avoid)
(9 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, May 9th, 2013

[friends of rian]

My brother is in ICU Heading back home for awhile. Family emergency. Can someone (not Valentina. no offense) take care of PhiPhi? Might be a week, might be two. I'll keep you updated.
(23 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, May 6th, 2013

It's funny how your cooking skills can improve when you have to care for a bunch of disabled people. I can now cook three dishes instead of just preparing instant meals. I'm pretty damn proud of myself, I have to admit. Rian, Diarmuid, you owe me big time!


How's my favorite husband today? Did I accidentally poison you with the food? I hope not. Did my nurse outfit help you endure the pain?
(151 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, April 28th, 2013


so!! you guys are much more brilliant than i and have probably already thought of this, but ... just in case. what do you think of weaving some really nice dreams for our co-workers? especially the - ah - victims and rescuers. would that be unethical? no one's panties would get in a bunch, would they?

i just feel really helpless and want to do something nice, is all. is this even a good idea?
(13 comments | Leave a comment)

Friday, April 26th, 2013


[ filter: private ]

I have mixed feelings about not going. I know in the end I don't have the exact training from the Academy to deal with this. I track, I hunt but I don't get into combat unless necessary. I don't know. Maybe old training would have kicked in but...mmm.

All the same, I wish I could have helped to prevent some injury. Something.

[ filter: public ]

Now that the rescue is done, my sincerest condolences on those affected by the loss of Evan Collins. If there is anything I can do for his service or the like, please tell me.

That said, I hope you guys make as speedy as possible recovery from your injuries. I know it's not all physical but all the best to you.
(33 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, April 20th, 2013

second flame.

Who missed seeing their coworkers yesterday? Who is missing a roommate?

[ filter; katherine ]
You and your sister. You're alright?
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Sunday, April 14th, 2013

What an awful, awful tragedy. I didn't know the girl, but my thoughts are with her family nonetheless. She must have been a terrible witch to get murdered like that. Tsk, tsk. Wait, you can't say that

That being said I do hope something is being done about the security around here. I mean, really, ex-employees wouldn't have made it past the front door at the London Academy But safety doesn't rely on the Academy alone. Travel in numbers whenever you can, preferably numbers greater than two and stay armed at all times.

Anyway, I've only met a handful of you and less than that looks delicious! I'm so disappointed! since getting in a few days ago. My name is Bellissa D'Angelo. I'm a Handler in Shifter Crimes and have been with the London Academy for ages. Here's hoping we can all get through this tragedy together without the loss of any more of our family.
(173 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, April 11th, 2013

[spectral crimes]
so did anyone ever get ahold of Six? she never showed up for work.

do people really think spectres were responsible for emil and everything? i mean, there's some pretty good evidence in that they're not leaving any behind but [...] it would have to be a team of spectres, honestly and i don't think they'd be very interested in that kind of thing. they're a lot more personal. they usually stick to an individual and aren't fond of leaving their chosen places/people. and why the bomb threat if it were spectres?
(12 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, April 9th, 2013

⌈ f i v e ⌋

I, for one, am glad that it was only a threat and nothing more. Did those letters go into every mailbox? How is that possible?
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Sunday, April 7th, 2013


Nothing like coming back from info-gathering and seeing bad news. God give rest to Emil's soul and let his son not suffer further loss. Though with the way things are, I don't think his mother ... Christ, this is depressing. Stay safe, my friends. Watch each other's back and keep your guard up even on Academy grounds. With the lack of evidence found, I'm not counting out anything.

Gotta wonder, and no intended offense to anyone, but how violent can spectres be? Can they do the damage that happened with Emil?

[ filter: esther ]

Esther, how's your head?
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Friday, April 5th, 2013

free glitter text and family website at FamilyLobby.com

My best friend ran off to China, these shitty things keep happening to normal people and my pain of a husband is still here.

Anyone who wants to cheer me up, feel free to do that!
(159 comments | Leave a comment)


Well, there's nothing like reading the morning news to put a damper on a persons' entire day.

They should have called us in sooner, should have trusted us... So many 'shoulds' and not enough answers. It makes me wonder why humans are so effing stupid.
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