Thursday, May 30th, 2013

I think we make a pretty good team tiny Ronnie. Consider yourself officially with me from now on. It's the best team in this place. And sometimes you get free drinks. And that's not a joke! Well, whaddaya know... Sometimes I can be nice!

Speaking of free drinks... The weekend is coming and I think I'm going to be a bit short on money. Anyone want to help a poor guy out? Hmmm? I'll pay ya back. Scouts honor and all that.
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Monday, May 27th, 2013

So bored. I need someone to entertain me.
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Sunday, May 5th, 2013

I haven't been to the gym in a few days (almost two weeks) because I was healing from those minor cuts and scrapes and bruises and sore muscles (I swear one of those guys tried to ride me) I got from that successful rescue mission. Now I'm hurting because I pushed myself too far. So if someone could come help me by cooking my meals, cleaning my clothes, and bathing me, I'd appreciate it.

Just keeping me company is fine too. Either way, I'd love someone to come over.
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Monday, April 29th, 2013


[ private ]
I still cannot believe how badly I slipped up. And in front of Jaimie. He'll never let me live it down. Maryse was probably mortified, the poor girl. She didn't need that on top of everything else she's been through.

I feel like such a failure as a guard.

[ public; filtered away from jaimie and maryse ]

After the tension we've all dealt with recently, I could use a drink. If anyone else wants in, I'll buy the first two rounds.
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Saturday, April 20th, 2013


Shifter Crimes, check in, please.

Also, all werewolves who haven't spoke up somewhere. I caught Ivan, Brianna and Veronica.

[ filter: private ]

Everyone, please be alright. Please. I know we have missing people but

God above, hear me and let us get through this. Grant us mercy, grant us strength. Protect those who have been taken. And let us be able to find them.
(32 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, March 31st, 2013

Happy Zombie Jesus Day, or whatever holiday you celebrate around this time.

not cut IC )
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Friday, March 29th, 2013


[ filter: private ]

There are demons who are skilled in terror and mischief, who are a true threat to humanity. And then there is just trash not even worth pissing on, the rot and stench proof of how low-class they are. At least that failure Esther and hacker girl are still somehow more useful.

I can't believe I'm even saying that about those two. I feel dirty.

[ filter: vcu; visible to the senior officers ]

Zephaniah, you handle training in some section of the VCU, correct? It would benefit everyone if we did something as a group. This is a suggestion with voluntary attendance. I'm not keen on our unit having to go through the bullshit it did before.

[ filter: esther ]

If you ever sneeze on me again, your nose will be my trophy.

[ filter: public ]

I want to tear everyone's throat out with my teeth and grind my heels in your eye sockets. None of you know how important the Academies are. Among those I find tolerable or may find temporarily tolerable, who drinks? Not for this moment but for future reference.
(49 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, March 27th, 2013

I find myself in need of a sparring partner. There is only so much you can do with dummies after all. So if anyone is interested...

Preferably someone that heals fast, too. Just to be safe.
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Wednesday, March 13th, 2013

you know what you should try? drinking. it makes things extra fun. not drunk now, but i could be. who's with me?

but yeah, you guys are funny to read this week. much better than the usual shit i see.

now to fall back into oblivion.
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in which morgan trolls even while drunk.


Someone's taken my favourite little cross chain, as well as my locket with Jesus' furry face in it. How will I connect with God now? Is there a hotline I can call?

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