Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013

Jesus fuck. Punching bags are so fucking unsatisfying.
(57 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, May 5th, 2013

I haven't been to the gym in a few days (almost two weeks) because I was healing from those minor cuts and scrapes and bruises and sore muscles (I swear one of those guys tried to ride me) I got from that successful rescue mission. Now I'm hurting because I pushed myself too far. So if someone could come help me by cooking my meals, cleaning my clothes, and bathing me, I'd appreciate it.

Just keeping me company is fine too. Either way, I'd love someone to come over.
(16 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, April 20th, 2013

i feel like it's been too many words and not enough movement.

we're sad. we're mad. now let's get out there and drain those sons of bitches dry! because i'm sick of standing around and waiting to be told what to do next. who's with me?!
(11 comments | Leave a comment)

I was going to introduce myself, but now that seems like a stupid thing to do. Because it's not a happy time for everyone right now. I don't know any of the missing people, but I do hope they return soon. I do know when people suddenly leave, it makes it hard for those who are forced to stay behind.

I'm Caroline Halseth. If there is anything I can do, please let me know. I'd be happy to help. And that goes for everyone, not just the Spectral Crimes Unit.
(29 comments | Leave a comment)


[ filter: private ]

First Six and now I can't find Liam or the others. They haven't said anything anywhere. They need to. Why haven't they? Are they alright?

Please be. Please.

[ filter: public ]

All of Cold Cases can say something here. And if you are my goddamn friend, please say something. We're worried. I'm worried. Or if someone can say something on their behalf, I'd appreciate it. Just speak up as soon as you can.
(29 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, April 14th, 2013

Seems like this Academy likes to welcome new employees with a considerable amount of work. Not that I'm complaining, it's just nice to know that not everything is different at the several Academies.

On that note, let me introduce myself: My name is Alec Winters. Some of you might know me already since I've been here for a couple of days already, but I never got around to introduce myself officially. I've transferred from the London Academy just a few days ago and the people working in the Shifter Crimes unit will see me more frequently from now on. I look forward to a good cooperation!

[Filter: Edmund]
Hi there, Eddie.

[Filter: Vienne]
Hello beautiful~
(175 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, April 6th, 2013

[Filter: Elva]

I think you should take a trip back to mom and dad's and tell them how very much alive I am. With mom's theatrics, you should probably stay there a month or so.
(9 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, March 31st, 2013



It's official: I've been thirty-three for a week, and now I'm really feeling like an old lady. One day, I'm going to throw out my back, and then who will give Rex love? Who will let Andy inside to hang around in my flowers? Who will squirt mustard into Rhys' face? I'm conflicted.

Now, old lady complaints aside, has there been any news on those missing activists? There hasn't been a single peep from the media, as far as I've heard.

Oh, and Happy Easter. ♥

(52 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, March 23rd, 2013

tonight i'm getting over you

Is anyone else looking forward to the new season of Game of Thrones starting on the 31st? I've been flipping out, re-watching the first two seasons so I'm ready. I'm considering having a viewing party for the first episode of the season if anyone is interested, I even went and ordered some GoT schwag. I got these awesome GoT figurines and some Baratheon and Stark pint glasses. However, nothing has proven to be a more fantastic find than the Youtube series School of Thrones. It's so worth the views. 'Prom Night is dark, and full of terrors' might just be the most fantastic quote ever.

In other news, I really need to stop baking so much when I'm upsetbored, because I currently have way more brownie cupcakes than I know what to do with. The peanut butter frosting is downright addictive, too. I can't eat these all by myself, people, so if anyone wants any I can make up a bag for you. I've also got chocolate chip peanut butter cookies, and leftover chicken alfredo from last nights' dinner because I made way too much. Maybe I should just offer cooking lessons so al this creativity can be put to good use... anyway, all the food is free to a good home, so don't be shy.
(44 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, March 20th, 2013

I wish I could say that there was no way anybody could've had any doubt about the verdict of that fucker's trial.

(31 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, March 12th, 2013


so apparently stairs don't soften or cradle you when you go down them but ok, ok. No big deal. We're all big girls here
just a bruise, little blood. didn't want carpet anymore anyway

can't find my wedding ring
I'm shaking, I can't find my wedding ring I can't Some candlesticks are missing, too and a couple of teacups why would anyway
I can't find my ring

oh Christ I feel sick
(41 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, March 3rd, 2013

so, i've been 'smoke free' for about a week and a half.

fuck everyone and everything ever, basically.

[added sometime later, but deleted within seconds.]


you seriously fucking talked to-
oh, fuck you, too, tinker bell.
(91 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, March 2nd, 2013

the third swipe.


Liking how the general opinion is that the asshole's in custody so now it's time to kick off your boots and relax like some other asshole won't come along to pop your fucking bubble in a couple weeks or less. Apparently it's worth buying the whole damn Academy a drink.

Way I see it, no one's gonna get justice anyway.

[ filter; elva ]
Are you

(79 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, February 17th, 2013


It has been suggested to me that we try to do some sort of nightly patrol of the campus to keep people safe while this sloppy fuck is out. Now that we know it's a human male, it should be easier to track.




I have made the suggestions about patrols. We'll see what the verdict is.

(35 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, February 13th, 2013


[ filter; werewolves ]
it's on the 25th. it won't be worse than december's. seemed to last forever.
(71 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, February 6th, 2013

hung up

I've been here since December, and today, thanks to Roza, I can finally say that I know my way around the grounds. This can only be a good thing, since I'm sure some of the people I've asked directions from before must think I'm brainless. Now, hopefully, I'll never have to ask for directions again! I probably should've made a map...

Now if I could just learn how to stop breaking out into crazy dance moves while I'm working, or figure out how to charge the people who stare some kind of fee. Either way, when this girl feels the need to groove she doesn't let anything stop her!
(65 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, February 3rd, 2013

Because some of you have seem to forgot very basic Werewolf rules, here's some Werewolf 101. (and no, I'm not just talking about the girl with a lot of feelings, it's apparently been an Academy-wide problem. God help any of you if you're in the Lycanthropic Crime Unit.)

→ We change every night. Every. Night. There's no exception. Come sundown, we are a big hairy monster and we want to maim and eat. That's why you might have noticed why werewolves never pull night shifts and why we allow ourselves to be caged before the transformation occurs. Silver bars ftw.

→ Sure, there might be a dumb one sick enough to maybe just shank your Average Joe in broad daylight but the whole maim - kill - eat - shred never truly leaves us. Trust me when I say, we're not going to be playing with humans and treating them like a jacked up Valentine's window display.

→ There'd be nothing left of the victim that wasn't bones or shredded meat and if there was, congratulations. You now have a brand new werewolf baby who will probably eat your face when the mutation runs its course.

(70 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, February 2nd, 2013

first bite.


How can we narrow down who the culprits can't be so easily? I think... we're all capable of horrible things, no matter who we are. How does anyone know for sure? Species can be predictable but-- I


you can't just put them into the same category. Demons can be good; faeries can be bad. We're all different inside. We're all unique. I never thought angels could take lives of their own will, but anything seems so possible these days. It scares me, sometimes. I'm sorry for speaking my mind so... candidly. I just sl;jshs;lshls

I don't know how I can help, but if anyone feels unsafe on the grounds or in town at night, please please let me know. And if trainees need an escort, I'm here.

(80 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, January 30th, 2013

aight so hows everyone.doing? just got.back from taking to this nice dude who was abiut to jump off a building because he figured he was like...had.nothing for, which majorly sucks because first of all nobody should have to feel like that ever man (seriously talk to someone if you get like that, being alives too awesome to pass up, the dead people totally agree), but also because he actually jumped already and was kind of dead but didn't realize. dude why do peopke like forget they died i mean if youre a DJ ost wouldnt you be able to tell??

but we talked a while and i was like a nicer dirty harry and the guy figured it wouldnt hurt to tey relaxing and letting go of all that troubling stuff from when he was alive, cause when youre dead who cares right? so he went ofd into the great post-ghost and everything was good, which means nobodys going to be getting brain o grams about buildings and balconies.

also did anyone see a raggedy lil book with the necronomicon symbol on it?? its not the actual necronokicon, but i kinda need it back to do paperwork so halp? thanks you guys are awesome.

cool beans. oh and how are you guys doing?
(37 comments | Leave a comment)

I'm working on an exceptionally weird case at the moment and I'm kind of stuck. I don't know what it is that has changed the mindset of these werewolves, but they certainly got better and more creative in terms of committing crimes. I need your help, fellow Gunslingers, and other people who want to help are welcome to do so, as well! Thank you in advance ♥

[Filter: Micah]

Maybe you've been right and there's really something else than just modern technology changing the way of committing crimes.
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