Thursday, May 30th, 2013

I think we make a pretty good team tiny Ronnie. Consider yourself officially with me from now on. It's the best team in this place. And sometimes you get free drinks. And that's not a joke! Well, whaddaya know... Sometimes I can be nice!

Speaking of free drinks... The weekend is coming and I think I'm going to be a bit short on money. Anyone want to help a poor guy out? Hmmm? I'll pay ya back. Scouts honor and all that.
(12 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013


does anyone want to go for a run?

left in dylan's mailbox in the early morning )
(38 comments | Leave a comment)

holy shite has anyone listened to the new ingrid michaelson cd, my recommendation is don't

[FILTER: Trainees]
so im still trying to figure it out... who are the people around here with sticks up their asses

just doing research of course
(28 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, May 12th, 2013



full moon at the end of the month. don't know much about astronomy though, but was looking at this and norway will only have a solar eclipse in 2039 and 2048? i've never seen one, just the sort of lunar one last month, but i don't know how someone can predict something so far away. people thought the world was going to end last year but it didn't. i don't know if it makes sense to make predictions so many years into the future.

this has nothing to do with astronomy but if any help is still needed for the mass grave, i'll help. or with anything else.

[ filter; dylan ]
how are you? how's your jaw?

[ filter; molly, ivan, nora, ronnie & parker ]
does anyone want to go look at houses or are we still thinking?

(26 comments | Leave a comment)

post, the fourth

I haven't been paying much attention to the announcements of what's been found in the mass grave, though not for lack of trying. Just, my trainer David has been having me working on this case out in North Vinter involving missing items, and I've been exhausting myself trying to work through all the possibilities. If this is what being a full-fledged employee is like then I definitely want more, because I haven't worked this hard in ages. David's a really good trainer, I'm learning a lot working with him, and I'm sure between the two of us we can crack this case wide open.

It's Mother's Day back home, but when I went to call my mum I got no answer. Maybe dad took her somewhere... I'm gonna try again later just in case, but it seems a little weird that she wouldn't be answering her cell phone.
(15 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, May 7th, 2013

going out into the field tomorrow, spose it won't be a fecking boring day after all. apparently we're going to be sniffin around like dogs or something like that. i don't really know the details or if i'm supposed to even say anything, but i'd rather play hound for landvik than be cooped up here doing the usual training exercises while everyone else gets to go out and have adventures and have fucking fun. it's so much more exciting than staying in this bloody academy and doing paperwork for the next three thousand years.

so yeah good luck to me or whatever, it's going to be feckin ace

[FILTER: Sasha Vadim]
i hope your stupid arm is doing ok [...] i got some ice cream if you wanna split it
(28 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, May 5th, 2013

I haven't been to the gym in a few days (almost two weeks) because I was healing from those minor cuts and scrapes and bruises and sore muscles (I swear one of those guys tried to ride me) I got from that successful rescue mission. Now I'm hurting because I pushed myself too far. So if someone could come help me by cooking my meals, cleaning my clothes, and bathing me, I'd appreciate it.

Just keeping me company is fine too. Either way, I'd love someone to come over.
(16 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, May 2nd, 2013


[ filter: molly ]

So. You know Parker from Forensics, Veronica, Sasha in Shifter Crimes and Ivan in Vampiric Crimes? Maybe some of them? Three of them need a place to live and Parker thought about a pack house. And invited us and Ivan to make this happen. It'll be, as far as I know, in the Fjell where all the cabins are. More privacy, room to run freely and all that.

I'll have a link for you at some point but if you're interested (no pressure, hon!) just tell us. Trying to see which cabin might have the most room for us or if we'll have to resort to two cabins near one another. Suppose we could always turn a room into a bedroom, too. Maybe make add-ons as well if that's alright. We'll see.

Again, no pressure. I know sometimes we werewolves prefer our privacy. I mean, I have a paper bag I'm breathing into whenever I think about it but you know, I'm cool here where is that bad

[ edit ] Here you go, just in case!
(5 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, May 1st, 2013



feels weird only using one arm for most things but it's okay lately. i've never been stabbed before. healing fast though? i think.

[ filter; nora, parker, ivan & ronnie ]
sorry i didn't reply last time. did something get decided?

[ filter; dylan ]
when do you leave the hospital? can i bring you something?

(43 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, April 27th, 2013

post, the third

Boy am I glad that the people who were missing were found, but the real question is did we find out anything about the assmunches who did the job? Like, did the rescue crew bring back anyone to interrogate? Or have I been watching too many movies and that's not how we operate?

Either way, here's hoping nothing too messed up happens for a little while, knock on wood or whatever.

[ filter; shifter crimes ]
I don't mean to seem rude, but since my partner was on the rescue team and might've gotten hurt do I get a new partner until he's better or something?
(34 comments | Leave a comment)

Friday, April 26th, 2013


[ filter: private ]

Evan, you were a good guy. And I really wish I had gotten to know you a lot better. All that potential silliness we could have gotten done, things I could have enabled you into. Ha. ♥

I guess we all know the risks of the job. I know you did, you were a smart one. Be at peace now, dear boy. Know that those who sent you far from us have been taken care of. Know that we will stay strong and that you won't be forgotten. There will be sadness but we will not crack. Watch over us now and then. That way, we'll work even a little bit harder to make you proud.

[ filter: public ]
[ filter: public ]

If anyone needs something, say so and I'll do what I can.
(36 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013


good luck to everyone on the team. hope we can bring back as many as we can. will try to be as helpful as possible.

[ filter; all weres on rescue team ]
come back safe.

[ filter; parker ]
when i come back i'll ask about living in a house.
(3 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, April 22nd, 2013

As many of you might have heard, another employee of the Academy has been found dead. Our deepest sympathy goes to his friends and family. Evan Collins has been found near the Vinter River this morning by two young men. Details about his death are known already but out of respect for Evan and his friends and relatives, these details will be kept secret for the time being.

However, thanks to our Forensics team, we have a hint as to where other employees might be. A special plant has been found -- a plant that grows only in the North Vinter area in shady forestlands. With his newly acquired piece of information, it might be possible for us to find the remaining captives as soon as possible but we need any help we can get from all of you!

The current rescue team consists of the following members:
Rescue Team Members )
(9 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, April 20th, 2013


Shifter Crimes, check in, please.

Also, all werewolves who haven't spoke up somewhere. I caught Ivan, Brianna and Veronica.

[ filter: private ]

Everyone, please be alright. Please. I know we have missing people but

God above, hear me and let us get through this. Grant us mercy, grant us strength. Protect those who have been taken. And let us be able to find them.
(32 comments | Leave a comment)

post, the second

I know I'm pretty new here, and therefore I haven't really proven myself or anything, but I want to help out somehow. I don't recognize any names on the list, but then again I haven't gotten to know many people outside of my partner and the few friends I've made so far, but if there's any way I can be useful please let me know.

I promise I'll listen, and obey whoever's put in charge. I just can't sit back and do nothing while people are missing, you know?
(31 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, April 17th, 2013

I have never heard of a djinn before. Seems a large sort of realization to have at my age, but I suppose you're always learning. It makes me wonder what else I'm ignorant of.

My name is Ivan Vladleno-- Bezrukov. I've just arrived. I'm working as a Hunter here in the VCU, although I'm still catching up. I'd appreciate any advice, or important information I should know, although I might have already used a day's supply of shock today.
(139 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, April 11th, 2013


[ filter; dylan, logan and nora ]

ivan is here

he's really here.
(38 comments | Leave a comment)

post, the first

You know, I've only been here since the beginning of the month, but I've already learned a lot of things I didn't know before. Mainly, that people here don't take as kindly to those of us who're different as I was led to believe, and let me tell you that was a real eye-opener.

So... is it weird that after the bomb threat was all taken care of I went back to my room and Google'd common bomb ingredients so I'd know how to recognize those scents just in case? I mean, ever since those notes were posted everywhere, I doubt I'm the only one who's been jumping at shadows getting suspicious whenever there's some smell I don't recognize in the air, or I see some person who looks shifty poking around. It's all about constant vigilance, right? But not to the point of paranoia, because that won't help anyone. And if there's one thing I can say for certain, it's that nobody wants to be the one who ends up missing something important and letting whoever's behind all the arson and threats get away with it. If it's even the same people.
(64 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, April 6th, 2013

[Filter: Elva]

I think you should take a trip back to mom and dad's and tell them how very much alive I am. With mom's theatrics, you should probably stay there a month or so.
(9 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, April 1st, 2013


either sick or food poisoned

not sure which

don't like either option.
(45 comments | Leave a comment)
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