Wednesday, May 29th, 2013

in which morgan suffers from feels.


[ filter; private ]
If I could ship you back to Melbourne, I would. I would put you in a cage, seal you up, and ensure you never returned. What you're making me, making her, feel makes me sick to the stomach. And the longer you're here, the more I'll feel, and these human emotions are

I thought I was stronger than this. Don't make me regret this body even more.

[ filter; absalom ]
Why are you impossible to despise?

[ filter; ronnie ]
I have something to return to you, birdie.

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Sunday, May 26th, 2013

it's rather nice to have a week that we're not suddenly missing a busload of people.

gives me some time to play video games in between psychopaths- which are in a strange abundance around here. ever notice that? like there's something in the water or some shit.

whatever. i'm good as long as i've got a job.

'sup, kitty?
(15 comments | Leave a comment)

Friday, May 24th, 2013


No amount of 'well, she is sick in the head' or 'she wants total control over a man and his thoughts can now only be about her' will ever explain why some women flock to men on death row or the like. And I'm not just talking about murderers. Nope, these needy ladies go for folks who really could turn your tummies.

Then I have to wonder: who here is the type to go for something like that? Maybe not to that extreme but who else here would throw away logic and sense for some - wait, thinking of an Academy-approved word. ...failing, failing, failing...

Well, you get it. No, I'm not looking for 'oh THAT guy' or 'OH OH ME'. Just putting it out there.

[ filter: private ]

As a demon, I approve. Be more fucked up, humanity. Please. You'll wreck not only your life but others around you. And you'll make strangers fill with hate toward you for your choices. It's snowballs so good.
(23 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, May 21st, 2013

in which morgan is in a sharing mood.


Somehow, I think this would apply to many of you, though do avoid if grating musicals get on your nerves. The tune is disgustingly catchy, fair warning.

I think we are due for some ice cream. Come over later.

Not that I have any intention of holding one, but as a feathery one once brought up: do you think we could suffer a dinner with angels? Who would die first, and how long would it take before the pot roast went flying?

(28 comments | Leave a comment)

[Filter: Friends]




also I need a bath I smell of garbage. BRUSHIE BRUSHIE?!
(82 comments | Leave a comment)

Friday, May 17th, 2013

angels really do the darndest things.

nothing makes me laugh more than my job, i swear. all giggles over here.
(18 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, May 12th, 2013

in which morgan happily licks her fingers.


Am I allowed to be satisfied about a mission being resolved, or is someone going to come rip my head off for not being broken up about a pit full of dead people in mourning? I'd like to remind everyone that this is an Academy that deals with death every day. When someone is taken out, it's a terrible thing, of course, but you signed up for this. If you have a weak stomach for death, why are you here? It is going to happen whether you like it or not, and when you least expect it.

I am going to slap the next person who whines about death as if it's a new thing.

(24 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, May 6th, 2013

in which morgan does her job.

Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God has commanded you.

And if your father or your mother does a dishonourable thing, do you still honour them? If they've shamed you or God, are you still meant to honour and love them? Does God make exceptions for the rules, or do you honour them no matter their sins? I do have to say, out of all the Commandments, this is my favourite:

You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.

Don't pine for one's donkey, or God shall be most displeased for your greediness.
(33 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, April 29th, 2013

in which morgan actually gives no f's.

[ filter; private ]
I still don't care. Am I meant to care?

[ filter; demons ]
Curiosity calls again: what is the shortest time you've held a host?

[ filter; public ]
Don't get too cozy, kittens. There's a wolf on the doorstep, waiting for you to make the wrong move. Like killing more of them than they had of you.
(22 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, April 24th, 2013


[ filter: private ]

Wouldn't it be funny if none of them came back? Well, I think it would be. Maybe not Ivan. His patience is amusing. Also, I bet I could see all the way to Paris if I stand on his shoulders, ha.

OK, bored now.

[ filter: public ]

The waiting is the hardest, right? Or the best. Let's take bets who'll be the first to die~
(10 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, April 20th, 2013


[ filter: private ]

Well, good job, Vienne and to you as well, Oli-boy. Where am I going to find a woman like Vienne now? Do I have to start over? Where am I going to start over from? Goddamn it, she was supposed to have a kid first that I could take over. And then die in my arms, adoring me endlessly. I had your whole life planned out.


[ filter: public ]

So most of the people Spectral Crimes are gone. In case you're wonder about the unaccounted, the cutie here made a list.
(11 comments | Leave a comment)

anyone missing from ACU?

world's on fire.
was it you?
(35 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, April 18th, 2013

some funny pages today.

i swear to shit the newspapers around here will print anything. write a letter while being a complete tryhard psychotic, and you're in.

for the record, this trying to be poetic thing while threatening to kill people? yeah. sick of that. sick to death.

planning on staying, blossom?

i have a question. amuse me with the answer, would you?


if you run away, it'll be pretty lame around here.
(80 comments | Leave a comment)


Papa always did say "Elena, trouble shows up all around you, you damned girl". Oh~ and also "too many exclamation marks means nothing good". He sometimes used too many. And caps locks.

How many of you are ready to pack your bags to see the place close and, via that action, protect others? Or are you prepared to fight the threat, even if you're we're clueless still about what the threat really is? Yes, I'm staying. I have a package arriving next week and I don't want to miss that. I don't run from battle. Very cowardly to do otherwise. It's the sort of thing you showed be flogged for.

But you know. No pressure. ♥
(48 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, April 17th, 2013

in which morgan doesn't know what to say for once.

[ filter; private ]
She loved you. She loved you so terribly that just looking at you feels like my skin is crawling, as if she could ever be able to claw her way out and remind you just how deep that love ran. I would ship you back to Melbourne if I could, but something wants you here. Edith wants you here.

I've never had a real family. I have only ever avoided my host's families. Whatever you are doing, stop it before my head rips open.

Just stop it.

[ filter; demons, blocked from matthieu ]
A host cannot break free once they're taken, yes? I'm in a curious mood.
(7 comments | Leave a comment)

Friday, April 12th, 2013

in which morgan is conflicted.

[ filter; maxie and sam ]
I'm in something of a predicament. My host's step-sister is here, and I've been unable to stop feeling for hours. Edith is trying to fight against me.
(12 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, April 10th, 2013

this academy handles a crisis like no other place in the world.

sweet hell & satan have mercy.
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Monday, April 8th, 2013

everything burns in hell.

that being said. let's talk about fires.

what are some reasons to start one?
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Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013

in which morgan lays more bait.


Oh, America, land of the free. How long it's been. I have half a mind to go back for a visit to someplace warm, perhaps Florida. Last I was there, I had a lovely run-in with a pretty redhead in-- which state was it? It began with an M, Maine or Massachusetts. Shame, I never did catch her name Katherine Owens. I wonder where my little witch has gone.

Has anyone seen my pretty little redheaded witch?

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Sunday, March 31st, 2013

Jesus Zombie Day, yay!

IC cut )

Who wants humongous amounts of chocolate?
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