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[Oct. 21st, 2008|08:20 am]

Sitting on the table with a note from Benji to Cam, telling her that he was going to be gone all day but he would think about while he was gone.

For my fiance just because...
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[Oct. 17th, 2008|12:00 pm]
leave me your screen names so we can become bestest friends.
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To My Wedding Guests..... [Oct. 17th, 2008|08:59 am]
Benji and I have decided to move the wedding up. It's been moved from December 27 to November 22 . Plan accordingly.

♥ Cam
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[Oct. 15th, 2008|03:20 pm]

So It's almost Halloween which means..it's more than time to being planning for the big Christmas to do's. Now seeing as My Step mother can't plan or hire people to save her sill little life and i'm going to be here for the holidays this year it's up to me to work on these things. I'm doing this the easy way because let's face it I can.

Our Caterer last year sucked royally. Wasn't someone around these boards advertising their catering and event company?
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[Oct. 14th, 2008|10:39 am]

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[Oct. 13th, 2008|06:52 pm]

I missed a lot of things about living out here when I was back east. One of the things I definitely didn't miss? Wildfire season. The 118 is closed which kills my plans to visit a friend out in Simi tonight. The air quality sucks which is annoying as all hell and it's all you can find on TV.
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[Oct. 8th, 2008|09:17 pm]
I have a very important poll.

Camryn Hilton-Hamilton


Camryn Hamilton
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[Oct. 2nd, 2008|03:47 am]

[Current Mood |listless]

At the end of the rainbow there's happiness
And to find it how often I've tried
But my life is a race
Just a wild goose chase
And my dreams have all been denied
Why have I always been a failure
What can the reason be
I wonder if the world's to blame
I wonder if it could be me
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[Sep. 26th, 2008|09:31 pm]
[Current Mood |don't hate on britney.]

confidence is a must, cockiness is a plus, edginess is a rush, edges i like 'em rough. a man with a midas touch, intoxicate me, i'm a lush. stop, you're making me blush. people are looking at us.
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[Sep. 24th, 2008|06:22 pm]

[Current Mood |disappointed]

My plans for tonight didn't work out like I hoped they would so who's up for doing something to keep me from being bored?
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[Sep. 24th, 2008|10:49 am]
Okay The first couple days of work? Awesome.
The first couple days of work mixed with morning sickness? Not so awesome.
There are some Mom's out there right? Anyone got any advice? because I truly think my boyfriend is going to get awful sick of the laying in bed, clinging and whining to him part awful quickly...I so don't do well when I don't feel well.
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[Sep. 23rd, 2008|10:47 pm]

I tripped over a toy and almost fell down today. That wouldn't have been good. What's the most interesting thing that happened to you today?
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[Sep. 23rd, 2008|10:26 pm]

[Current Mood |cynical]

I hate being jealous. I wish I didn't care so much. Fuck.
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[Sep. 22nd, 2008|10:05 pm]
i am so fucking hot. didn't fall start today? the weather needs to react accordingly please.
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[Sep. 20th, 2008|09:59 pm]
As much as I was starting to love Hawaii, I've got to admit it's truly nice to be home.

Hey all I'm Brianna Adams. Feel free to call me Bri. I'm originally from Orange but after living in a small town in Hawaii for almost a year it was time to move closer to home and my family again.

So here we are. It is entirely possible I am living in my dream home and we're... unpacked-ish. I start work on Monday over at Cedars-Sinai.

And I suppose that's about it for a who am i....so my favorite desert is Raspberry cheesecake...what's yours?
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oh yes elle [Sep. 21st, 2008|12:19 pm]
[Current Location |Home]
[Current Mood |bored]
[Current Music |'I'll be your baby tonight' - Bob Dylan]

Someone needs to tell me why I am home and in my pyjamas at 7pm on a Saturday night?
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crazy for cade [Sep. 20th, 2008|01:24 pm]
So I'm Cadence and this is the greatest thing I've ever seen.
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Observations made from the night shift. [Sep. 13th, 2008|03:34 am]

Sometimes, I think that all people under 30 should just be sent away to an island until they reach maturity. It really would be for the benifit of all.
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tough torres. [Sep. 11th, 2008|02:27 pm]

The name's Johnny. I supposed to write something about me in here, right? I just woke up. That's all your getting. I like remainging mysterious. It helps me get the ladies better.

I got two exs running around here now somewhere apparently. They both came back at the same time. That's fucking weird. Eh it doesn't matter. I got a hot blonde as a roommate that's better in bed than both of them.

Anyway, what's up, LA? Anyone need some drugs?
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[Sep. 10th, 2008|07:14 pm]

Tristan Hamilton here. The guy right below is my twin brother. I'm 4 minutes older but he doesn't always remember that.

I'm a songwriter but haven't quite broke into the big time yet. I was here in LA a few years ago but the music business kicked my ass so I went home with my tail between my legs. It's a nasty, amoral, cut-throat business and I was too green, too idealistic. But I'm back because my girlfriend [[info]alyssaleslie] is from the area and she wants to start her own practice. So here I am, back in Lala Land. We'll see what happens this time.

[info]sashaspencer is having my baby. Don't ask.

So does anyone think McCain has a chance in hell?

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