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Nov. 23rd, 2009


Okay, I need some serious plottage.

My characters are Abby Sciuto, Merton Dingle, Bridgette Dubois, Hestia Jones, Sam Sciuto, Rose Weasley, Micah Sanders, Greg Sanders, Thackery Binx, Ned, Kat Stratford, and Hermione Granger. Specifically the ones in bold. They all need friends, enemies, and general interaction though.

I'm open to ideas! If you want to play, we can  figure something out! If you have any questions about any of them, feel free to ask that as well. My aim name is cafpows or you can reply here.


Nov. 12th, 2009


So, Wichita would like some boys to play with, some rich people to make some money off of.

Maybe even some real friends she'd let into her life.

She could do something exciting, work with hunters, bad guys, whoever.

Plots? Anyone? PLEASE?

Oct. 20th, 2009



Anyone wanna meet The badass, AKA John Winchester?

*does the need plot!dance*

Oct. 10th, 2009


*Pimps Stewie out for plottage*

Anyone, Anyone? Bueller...Bueller...

Aug. 27th, 2009


I completely had forgotten when I posted my/Trisha’s intro into the OOC. It’s a little complicated, and in her opinion a little whacked since she’s majoring in Psychology. But she has to have a therapist while she’s going to school at KSU, [or just in general no matter where it is she’s living, it’s kind of a requirement of being realized for the in-patient mental faculty that she’d been in for an extended period of time.] … So see, she things the whole deal is whacked, and likely will put as little effort into her studies as she has to; since she has no real plans on entering the professional world of Psychology, anymore that is.

But any who, I had seen that Sweets from Bones was listed in the Character List, and I was thinking it’d be cool if he picked her up as a patient. She’d of course be wanting to keep the whole, she has to have mandatory sessions with a Doctor, all hidden and not known, she maybe even play it of as it having something to do with her classes; similar to interning and whatnot… but she’d rather nobody know about at all. I can of course make her Therapist a NPC, in the background. But I think it’d be awesome to play some of those threads out, but if Sweets Mun could contact be that’d be very shiny. [And for the record, I adore him in Bones… so of course I instantly thought of him for Trish]

Jul. 13th, 2009


So, this kinda falls somewhere between OOC and SL so I decided just to put it here. So, a quick intro incase you've forgotten them, and some stuff I'd like to do.

Amy Burley (True Blood) - She needs someone to worship her and all her craziness. Yes, she's insane, bordering on psychotic at times, but she needs someone to love her despite all that.

Connor Reilly (Angel) - I'm actually going to be restarting him, as he didn't have much plot going anyway. I'll be taking him after the first run of the Angel comics (so... issue 15) and hopefully some animorph lovin with Rachel Berenson.

Peter Parker (Spiderman) - History taken from the movies, but retains other knowledge from the marvel-verse. Looking for a new life, and someone a little more... I dunno, edgy? I want a bad ass Ultimates Gwen Stacy, or y'know something like that. Seeing as how He and MJ are broken up for the millionth time. Oh! Also I'm looking at you Sam, I wanna play with Harry!

NEW!!! Sam Merlotte (True Blood/Southern Vampire Mysteries)- Taken from the current story line in the show, but using the personal background from the book series (less trauma, more drama). He doesn't really like to talk about himself, but he is a good boss (he pays a nice salary AND you get tips!) and friend. He's in love with Sookie, and girls like Sookie, and girls nothing like Sookie. OKay, so he likes a lot of girls... but mostly Sookie. Oh, and did I mention he's a shifter? He can turn into whatever he wants whenever he wants. Even communicate with other animals when he's in another form, well, to some extent. Shifting is unavoidable on a full moon unless he's indoors away from any sort of moonlight.

Veronica Mars - Well, what can you say about Veronica? She hasn't been doing much other than working and pouting to tell you the truth. Someone help her come out of her shell. Oh, right, there's a new Vereonica in town. Which just pisses her off cause she's still cranky about the whole Logan being a new daddy thing. She doesn't need her creepy future self around. You'll find her around the sorority sulking, brooding, and being a pain in the rear.

Anywho, plot? lovin? fighting?

Mar. 11th, 2009


Hey, I didn't know who was still in for helping with the kidnapping of Ziva. I had posted a while back and got a couple replies but the whole thing got pushed to the side but now I am all for it. So...who is still game?

Mar. 6th, 2009


Hi everyone!

Okay, so, I had emailed everyone that is originally going to be involved with this plot that I've been wanting to kick off the ground for the last five months on Wednesday, but I wanted to know if anyone else wanted to get in on the action.

This basic plot )

So if you want your character involved, just leave a comment here and hopefully we'll get more than just the Doctor Who/Torchwood characters in on finding Rose and her not-born-yet babies.


Feb. 10th, 2009


Hey everyone it's Abby ... yeah I know Ive disappeared again and for that I apologize. I'm getting over a stomach bug and well, I'm back. My charies need plot lol and im not disappearing again now (though now taht classes are back i may be slightly less active but hell that's never stopped me before.)

One thing aht I need, stephy if Martha and Jack can meet again cause there's an upcoming plot with Tish and she's gonna need help =).

other that that I have Nancy Drew, Barbara Gordon (batgirl), Utena Tenjou, Wade Welles, Colonel Robert Hogan, Shelly Moon, and Freddie Benson. Anyone up for plot =D

I did see that we now have a Peter Parker. It might be fun to have a mistaken identity thread because I know he and MJ have reconnected but they have the same PB =P (for the record MJ and Nancy have met and should probably do something together too =D)


Plot idea for those who want to be involved...

This is mostly for the NCIS peoples but can also be for anyone who works for the police and so forth...

This is an idea I had originally started for another game, but that game closed down so I want to adapt it here...

The idea is to have Ziva kidnapped, which mind you will be a feat in and of itself since she's so well trained, here is the basic idea

Someone from Tony DiNozzo's past has finally been released from prison and he is looking for revenge for the years lost by being locked away. He won't make his move right away, he will have studied Tony now, in his new surroundings, he will watch who he is close to, see who he can use to break the man. As he watches the man he sees that he has grown close to one person in particular, and has grown an attraction to her, though no one else seemed to notice the man did. It was all in how Tony looked at the woman, how he carried himself around her, how he acted, all of which was vastly different when he was around, Ziva David.

Now mind you with Tony's confusion about how he really feels about Ziva this is going to really cause him to decide and force him to snap to reality, but that part will come of course after she's rescued. The other goal is to get Tony back into police work, realizing he can't just putz around and look at hot coeds forever.

Anyway, whoever is interested let me know.

Feb. 2nd, 2009


Hey guys, Dhi here with Peter Parker aka Spiderman. I think we already have a Mary Jane here, so I'd love for her mun to let me know where she's supposed to be from.

Otherwise I'd love to meet other marvelverse super heroes. Or anyone really. WHO WANTS TO PLOT?!?!?

Hit me up here or on aim (mechakaylee) or email (

Jan. 30th, 2009


Okay, I have Daphne Greengrass from Hp. I've told Irish multiple times that I would join this game and be active and I have yet to do so because there are just so many characters and muns in the game I'm a bit overwhelmed. I don't even know where to begin and it would be great if I could get to know a few of you and your characters and have a planned sl or two even if its just for one thread, just to get me started. If anyones interested in doing anything with Daphne and I, I'd be more then happy to do it with you.

Thanks in advance,
(aim- write her story)

Jan. 26th, 2009


I thought I'd ask around first before thinking about a brand new post...

Would anyone like private investigator Angie Gennaro to turn up in their current post? She struggling over staying as a PI, but if someone needs her help it would probably be easy to pursue her back onto the job. As for a possible future romance plot? Who knows? It's been a year since she walked away from her true love, Patrick Kenzie...I guess "flirting" is always on the cards. Although if you try to get her to talk about her private life, goodluck! She has trusted Pat with just about everything and so she has now shut that part of her off from anyone else.

Looking forward to getting Angie interacting!

Jan. 15th, 2009



I see I got Paige Guthrie for the challenge! Sorry haven't tired to contact you sooner and if you did do a post in here about it then I missed it but I would leave to plot out something and do the challenge thread!


Brandi? I wanted to have shell and nev do something sometime this week if it's good with you or maybe next week? She really misses him. =( And the nightmares are back again... AND the muse is now glaring at me *sighs* she hates it when I torture her! Okay that's it =D

Jan. 10th, 2009


Challenge Post from Chloe

These are my pairings for the challenge post. I'm open to anything and free mostly Tuesdays and Fridays for the next little while. And Thursday early afternoons. Other than that I'm on and off my email in terms of response.


Jason Street - Michelle Moon

Temperance Brennan - Kitty Pryde

Caleb Danvers - Sharpay Evans

Ruthie Camden - Lance Sweets

Jan. 9th, 2009


Hi guys! It's me, Chrissy, with not one, two, or three, but four new characters that are awesome and made of win.

Peter Pevensie (Chronicles of Narnia) - Sophomore majoring in both history and mythology.

Mark Cohen (RENT) - Teaches both film and theater classes.

Lydia Deetz (Beetlejuice) - Sophomore majoring in both paranormal studies and photography.


Human Doctor aka John Noble (Doctor Who) - Teaches basic physics. Yes, I know, lame name, but he's taken Ten's first name that he uses every once in a while and Donna's last name.

Oh, and I also have Rose Tyler (Doctor Who), Gwen Cooper (Torchwood), Fred Weasley (Harry Potter), Colin Creevey (Harry Potter), Harry Potter (duh - Harry Potter), Bella Swan (Twilight), and Emmett Cullen (Twilight).

Okay, done introing my characters. Plottage welcome!

And just for the record: I'm probably the only person alive who would ever play somebody from Beetlejuice.

Jan. 12th, 2009


Hi Guys!

We'd like any and all plot suggestions. So any time you have an idea for a thread or a group of threads, drop a line here. It can be as simple or as complicated as possible. :D

We want this comm to be fun for everyone and we want it to be exciting as well.

(remember we want to include as many people as possible from as many fandoms as possible too)

Dec. 28th, 2008


Second Party idea

Okay so you're hearing a lot about parties in game from me in these last two weeks, or at least you will after tonight. This is the second one I'm going to be putting up a thread for. Colonel Robert Hogan is opening the doors of The Allies Lounge for a new years eve bash. There will be a 15 dollar cover charge but that's it. So that's the idea =D when we have parties down at my school this kinda thing anyway the cover charge is usually 15, he's making it affordable so tada!

Thoughts? I know its close to new years and I'll probably be in Times Square for it but i'll put both threads up the night of the 30th and just forward date it =P (Well the new years party anyway =)
=Abbu -Abby

(apparantly I don't know how to spell my own name >.

Dec. 27th, 2008


I so suck, I know. But I want to play with you guys... so what do ya say? Comment here or email me if you want to thread/ plot. :D

I play:
Peter Petrelli
Edward Cullen
Anne Marie D'Ancanto aka Rogue
Acheron Parthenopaeus



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