December 12th, 2009

[info]freeof_kromaggs in [info]ksu_sl

Okay hey it's abby. Since people have been putting up things with introductions, I'm reintroing wade and doing a begging for plot in the plot comm.

Unfortunately other than 9 and Jack her other plot partners have either left or are on extended exteneded hiatuses, and as such I'm putting out a plot SOS. This is why she's been largely inactive.

She'd love some kind of love interest as she's seen Quinn come and go and he left without her shes lost interest in him given all she's been through (if he came back she'd probably slap him.) Her second book is NOW OUT ON SHELVES!!!! so we get more stories of sliding! Hurray!

These stories include the British States of America where they ran into Prince Harold and set up a Democracy, Hippie world, and of course flame world where the narrator (which is wade's character) works for a big oil company which cares only about money and not its workers health and they own the city of san francisco. There are like 10 stories that are from Season 1 of Sliders. So that's what's going on.

Wade has a tendency to write in bars, in the part and she will have a few book signings in the near future!