February 19th, 2008

[info]hunter in [info]kof

Okay, so. Here's the deal. Normally? I don't care if you don't credit my icons. I don't in this case, except for a few of them. Said few are from MI2/2006's ending and opening. I ripped the movie from my game and took the screens myself, because all I could find were low-res crap. So, if you use one of the MI2/2006 ones, credit. 'Kay? Simple. Everything else? Not necessary, just don't claim as your own.

... And a few of these are old. '05 old.

When I look at these, it's sad to know that the twins just practically took over. Not that I mind that. Sad thing is, there would have been more if I had more shots to use and most of the shots I have are biased against Soiree, the bastards. My folder is just full of fanart and I refuse to use that against the artist's wishes.

... And I should sleep after posting this.

Soiree x 5
Alba x 8
Alba and Soiree x 5
Alba and Luise x 1
Nagase x 1
Mai x 1
Iori x 3
Kyo x 1
K' x 1
Mignon x 1

Total: 27

Witty remark goes here. )