We Are Shadows In The Alley

October 28th, 2009

A Private Metropolis/Gotham City RPG--CLOSED


October 28th, 2009

Closing walls and ticking clocks

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Who: Barbara, Bruce, Helena (OPEN)
Where: The Gotham Clocktower
When: Early afternoon
What: Settling into the new HQ at the Clocktower

Barbara started at the sound of the voice, so engrossed in her work she hadn't heard Bruce approach. She shook her head, laughing as he grinned at her. "You're getting better at that," she said, her ponytail bouncing across her shoulders.

"I hope so," Bruce responded with a chuckle. "It's kinda my job, remember?" He was looking around, seemingly impressed with the job his workmen had done. "You know, I think they actually earned their ridiculously high salaries this time," he commented casually, receiving a playful punch for his flippant tone from Babs.

"I hope so," she echoed his words with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "It's my secret base of operations, remember?" She turned back toward her bank of computers, a wall positioned in a semi-circle in the middle of the room; beyond was the back side of the clock face, its large hands ponderously moving time forward. "It's fantastic, Bruce; really, I can't thank you enough."

He waved her thanks away. "You know it was nothing. Plus," he said has he pointed a finger toward the high-def, flatscreen monitors, "you pay me back in ways I couldn't imagine. Having you up here for the intel... it's been an immense help."

Barbara couldn't help but grin openly at the compliment. She'd always wanted to help; in days of old, she could do so physically as Batgirl. She could tell this wasn't just a hollow, idle endorsement; Bruce meant it. And that made her feel fantastic. She was doing, she was showing everyone, the doctor who'd told her she'd never walk again, her father who worried so badly... She was showing them how strong she was. The sounds of Helena's practice drifted up from the gym area in the form of a few savage grunts and an occasional groan accompanied by the blows she was landing on the practice equipment. Barbara could see the change in Bruce's expression; he didn't approve of Huntress or her methods. That was the point, Babs considered, of trying to reform her, to train her to be part of a team.

"And everything's going... well?" he asked, pursing his lips as his face showed obvious distaste. "No... problems?"

"She's working out really well," Babs answered, trying to keep her tone neutral. "She only beat the bad guy to a semi-bloody pulp last night," she added wryly. "Plus, you know, with your reputation as of late, I just thought that maybe... Stone houses and all that." He pulled a face, about to remind her that he hadn't actually done the things he was said to have and she threw up her hands in a defensive gesture. "It's how the city sees you, I can't help that! Just... trust me on this one, Bruce," she said softly, turning her chair so that she faced him fully. After a moment's hesitation, he nodded reluctantly.

He checked his watch. "Shit," he cursed, and Barbara knew he was distracted because he still tried not to swear in front of her like she was still a kid or something, "I had to be in a meeting ten minutes ago." He put his hand on her shoulder, protectively giving it a gentle squeeze. "Take it easy." His eyes wandered to the gym area. "And watch your back," he said before disappearing.

She snorted. "Coulda taken the elevator," she said quietly to herself, blowing a lock of her ginger hair from her face. "Showoff."

Business As Usual

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Who: Selina, Her boss (Open)
Where: Wayne Enterprises
When: Early afternoon
What: Selina's boss has business with Wayne Enterprises

"He's late! The audacity! I know he owns half this town, but must he remind us with this 'fashionably late' crap!?"

"Indeed, sir," Selina said. It was all the man would hear when he was in a mood like this.

"This is an important meeting," he grunted. "I didn't want one of his lackeys. I wanted him, and I got him, and he can't even be here on time!?"

If she didn't know better, she'd say he was being stood up for a date, and it took a generous amount of self control not to laugh. "I understand, sir. Should I tell his secretary we're leaving? Reschedule?"

"Took me three months, THREE MONTHS, to get this appointment." He paused, smoldering and wilting. "No. We'll wait."

"Yes, sir." That's what she'd thought. She hated tact, yet it served her well all the same. "Even still, just in case he proves to be indisposed? Let me speak with her."

"Whatever," he grunted, waving her off.

Selina wrinkled her nose distastefully at his back as she moved out of the waiting area and toward the secretary's desk. For as much as Selina was certain Mr. Wayne's schedule was daunting, the woman didn't appear overwhelmed or harried. Neither was she bored and unprofessional. Maybe this was a kindred spirit, a woman putting up with an impossible man with elegance and poise. Then again, considering her nighttime activities, Selina knew no woman could really be a kindred spirit to her in this position. She must certainly still be one of a kind.

"I apologize for Mr. Wayne's absence," the woman said at once.

"Don't bother," Selina chuckled, dropping the pretense. "I simply... wanted to know a little more about the man himself. What we should be prepared for since we are afforded the time to prepare."

The woman smiled. "He's professional to a fault, I promise. This isn't typical of him. He is a busy man."

And rich. But Selina kept that obvious statement to herself. "Anything else?"

"Can I be blunt, Ms. Kyle?" the woman asked her softly, leaning forward across her desk.

"I welcome it," Selina smiled slyly in return.

"One cannot prepare themselves for Bruce Wayne," she snorted softly.

"Mmm," Selina replied, her voice almost a purr. "Forgive me for liking the sound of that. So... any minute now?"

"So I've been assured," the woman said with a slightly sheepish smile.
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