Kitchen Witches

Whipping up magic in the kitchen, one recipe at a time.

What happens when a Chopped obsession and a love of food meets the RP corner of the internet? Hi. Hello. This. Right here. This happens.

I decided to start this community to share and exchange recipes with my RP friends. We all have to eat, right? I'm sure it'll take some tweaking as we go along, but for now, we'll have a list of ingredients (in different categories) each month. Sometime during that month, members are encouraged to come up with one or more recipes using the required ingredients — as well as any other ingredients you like — and post them here for anyone else who'd like to try them out. Document it through pictures, videos, or just write up all the steps. Unleash your inner-domestic goddess on the world!

For new members, please join the community and then fill out the introductory poll so that we can keep track of what types of ingredients we should stay away from (allergies), and what styles of cuisine we're most interested in. If you do happen to be allergic to an ingredient, or just don't particularly care for it, try making something from another category, or just leave it out.

This isn't actually a competition.

Participation each month is clearly not necessary. This is just a fun experiment and a way to share bits of our daily lives with each other.

And hey, if you happen to have any questions about cooking or baking, or any recipes you want to share in general, feel free to post them!


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August 6th, 2016



Ingredient Ideas

So here's another starter post as we get this going! I will add a link to this post in the sticky note, so that we can keep the list growing as we have new ideas or discover new and interesting ingredients!

Just post your suggestions for future ingredients here. Keep in mind that while exotic or more rare ingredients are great for expanding our recipe collections, in general we'll try to keep things cost effective. A splurge every now and then is fine, and hey, if you really don't like a certain "mandatory" ingredient...just skip it or use a substitute. Remember, this is for fun!



S'mores Pie
