August 2017



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April 13th, 2012

[info]kiseki_mods in [info]kiseki_rpg

Changes & additions + schedule for the remaining time of the month

Okay everyone! Lots of things.

First of all - the housing areas are officially changed! From now on, instead of the hotels, we'll have the magical camping site we discussed, with its underground areas and common rooms! Check out the locations post for more info.

Second - the changes regarding the smaller islands have been added, meaning now the smaller islands will be joining the main one, alternating each week.

Third - a second train station has been added! Working only during the weeks the smaller islands join the main one, this new station will be located at the north of the path between the Welcome Center and the housing area.

Fourth - Schedule for the rest of the month! Weather forecast and other nonsense: There will be heavy rains during the 22ndth, 23rd and 24th, but the weather will remain fairly normal for spring for the rest of April.

On the 17th, Kisekian women will be outside handing out straws as a present for everyone! They might come in handy when, on the 18th, glasses with milkshake and iced-tea fall from the sky, each with its own little parachute attached to it. These will be absolutely harmless and simply a treat, but feel free to not trust them.

... And I think that's about it! As always, please let me know if there's any questions.

[info]kiseki_mods in [info]kiseki_rpg

Activity check - Take 7!

Time for the bi-monthly Activity Check! In case anyone's forgotten, the activity requirements can be found here in the FAQ.

Please comment here and provide the necessary info - I won't ask for specific formatting, just go with whatever's easiest for you. As long as I can see you've fulfilled the minimum requirements, it's all good.

The post will be open for a week! You have the rest of the week to gather any missing comments. Any posts or threads played after this post goes up can be counted for the following AC - you simply can't have a thread count for two different periods.

Notes: The post'll be up for a bit over a week, since it's up early, and will be oficially closing on the 22nd as always.

This post is now CLOSED.