July 31st, 2015

[info]cannotforget in [info]kiseki_ooc

In which Noe can't control herself.

Hi, this is Noe bringing to Kiseki this new character named Leo Elster from Channel 4's Humans! And yes, he has the same face as Merlin so fun sameface shenanigans will happen. Yay!

Here are his stats! Let me know if you have any questions about him! I'll intro him shortly!

[info]sparking in [info]kiseki_ooc

un-slowatus and canon update (yet again)

HELLO this is Celen, again, this time announcing that I'm no longer slowatus-ing here, so that means threadjacking rules are back to normal!

Also because I have no self-restraint, I'm sending Stiles back for yet another canon update, look forward to it... and because why not make it double the trouble, Constance is going back, too, and will return at the next convenient moment with a name change

That's all for now until I post something here again clearly Robin needs some company so she doesn't have to inhabit the ooc comm all by herself