March 1st, 2015

[info]mindmywound in [info]kiseki_ooc

Canon update + drop

Sadly, I've decided to drop Rin and Hook from Kiseki - just because I feel I'm not doing either of them justice in terms of characterization or CR-building. Neither really ended up meshing the way I hope... and castmates + everybody else really deserves so much better than what I can offer for the both of them.

I apologize to CR and to those I was in threads with, as well as castmates. Sorry Emma, worst thing to wake up to tbh.

Thanks for playing with them when I had them. I apologize especially with Hook - whom I feel I never truly played anywhere near his full potential. Hopefully someone will app one or both of them in the future and be far better with their characters and actually throwing them around. For now, this is for the best, I think. ♥

As for canon-updates, I am pulling Porthos a little early partly cause I don't want to have to make another ooc note later this week so he can have his canon update to episode 2x08, which airs this Friday. This way I can try to get through some of his tag backlog, since he's in several threads atm. I'll be tagging around in this log that just went up, however, so you can consider Porthos having left Kiseki shortly after his threads in the log have been resolved, so maybe around Tuesday?

[info]stripndive in [info]kiseki_ooc

Making it official

I had been considering it for a while, Haruka is going home because inspiration for him kinda died out on me big time. Thanks for all the threads with him!

Eta: Adding to the drops: Mako, David and Syaoran are returning home too, at least for now. They will all have gone as the blizzard ended.