October 15th, 2014

[info]tasered in [info]kiseki_ooc

and nobody is surprised.

So, when I said I'd lost control of my life.........

Hi it's Celen again, bringing in this loser here. His name is Birthday (please make fun of that excessively okay) and he's from the same canon as Art, and also has this little thing called a lightning minimum which means literal shocks for everyone. Oh, and he's also kind of slowly dying to an incurable illness but who cares about that part, right?

His stats are here, and an IC intro will follow shortly. Bringing ridiculousness to an otherwise depressing event, what a great timing...

[info]trollbird in [info]kiseki_ooc


Hey guys, I'm going to be out of town from tomorrow until Monday. I'll try to hit some tags if I have time/wifi but I make no promises.

Affects just Torin ([info]trollbird).