February 10th, 2014

[info]sparking in [info]kiseki_ooc


this is Celen, coming back from hiatus

with a smart-ass sidekick from a werewolf show

so add him and all that jazz ♥

[info]thestare in [info]kiseki_ooc


To the surprise of absolutely nobody, this is JL bringing Aramis from BBC's The Musketeers!

He comes from after episode four and I'll be uploading his stats / introing him any moment now. Add him and all that.

Eta: Stats || Arrival

[info]humility in [info]kiseki_ooc


I'm going to be a buttmunch and take an indefinite hiatus. I'm hoping it doesn't last too much longer, but I'm in a pretty bad depressive rut and there's little I can do but ride the wave and wait it out. I can't wait to get back to tagging all you lovelies ♥ thanks for your patience.