September 7th, 2012

[info]failsatwife in [info]kiseki_ooc

Hi everyone. This is a really difficult post to write for a variety of reasons, even though I'm sure no one will be shocked to see it. I think it's become pretty obvious that RPing just doesn't make sense for me anymore: combine a waning interest in Clamp with my new post as a TA in a demanding school program and---well, I think it's evident that I've been clinging to this game because of the history and the people rather than a genuine desire to play.

So I'm dropping Kentarou with great regret, and in effect, leaving the game. Who knows, maybe one day I'll come back. But for now, I just don't have the interest-slash-time to dedicate to something that really should be getting more of my attention than it does.

Thanks, everyone. You really did make my life better for knowing you, as cheesy as it sounds. I love Kiseki, and it means more to me than I can properly articulate. I love all of you, and I'm going to continue bugging you all on MSN, plurk, tumblr, etc., so don't think you're getting rid of me!
