April 12th, 2012

[info]bornforyou in [info]kiseki_ooc

Hiatus 8(

Baw I feel like I have been such a flake here, I'm so sorry guys. But I am in two classes that involve a program I have never used before, and I have a senior project to make that has to go in our school's art gallery for a show.

So I need to start putting all my effort into that and avoid things I can use to procrastinate. But since JL is awesome, Fuuma shall just be joining Kotori in epic nap times instead of being dropped or anything like that!

The show goes up on May 17th, and after that I have finals and graduation ceremonies and such, so Fuuma is going to be asleep until the end of May. Hopefully I can come back sooner, it for sure won't be until after the 24th of May or so.

Sorry again, and thanks for putting up with all my fail. \;A;/ I SHALL RETURN AS A MORE AWESOME PERSON WITH MORE TIME TO BASK IN THE GLORY OF ALL KISEKI'S AWESOME CR!