January 30th, 2012

[info]revelations4_22 in [info]kiseki_ooc

Okay so... I've been trying NOT to face this particular music for a while, now. I thought that me not playing very much was because I was very busy and thus didn't feel creative enough, that once I reread my character's canon I would be able to play again.

But, truth is... I lost their voices. I didn't want to face this because I love Kiseki and I love playing here. But I've just been unable to actually feel like I'm playing my characters well at the moment and, at this point, it really seems as if I'm hogging characters which, again, isn't fair for all of you, guys.

So, with that in mind... I'm dropping my characters for the time being. I'm hoping this will be just a temporary thing, that stepping away and getting a breather will help me get back in the zone, but, for now, I think it's best for eveyone involved.

I want to thank you all for the great time I had, and I'm only sorry that the past few months I've been such an abysmal player. I've had a great time, and I will still stalk and follow you all.

Ladies, it's been a blast and I love you all.