April 4th, 2011

[info]exchangedtime in [info]kiseki_ooc


Okay, so.

Big changes! Paparan, Suishou, Yuekito and Eriol're all going home! Due to a mix of lack of direction, lack of certain chances for CR, and just 'cause I fail. Thank you all for playing with them \;A;/ Eriol leaving means the barrier should weaken for a while - so if you want to do something with that, go ahead =3=

Aaaaand after billions of years of being pinged by him, I'm picking up Clow. So please add him o/

[info]tsunpocalypse in [info]kiseki_ooc

New characters and other stuff!

I'm sure everyone is shocked and dismayed by these turns of events. Robin here, with a whooping double-whammy of new character... ness! Suddenly, eight characters! Durr. Please add Arashi from X! And Ame-Warashi from xxxHOLiC!

friend add tsunpocalypse
friend add gatheringclouds

I'd also like to take this opportunity to apologize for my slowness lately. I've been combating some muse issues, but I believe I may have the solutions - or the means to work toward a solution - so hopefully my fail will be less noticeable. That being said... I will be a bit slow THIS week just because of my amount of work piling up.

But but but, hopefully Arashi and Ame-Warashi will be posting either tomorrow or Wednesday. So thank you everyone for your patience. You are all lovely and wonderful. ♥