March 5th, 2011

[info]swan_song in [info]kiseki_ooc


I am SO sorry to hop the hiatus bandwagon, but I am deathly ill all of the sudden and this ridiculous cold weather is not helping, plus some RL stress and. Gah.

So I'm going to be on full away until further notice 8( I'll try to get to tags as much as possible (feel free to poke me and let me know any that you want replies ASAP on) but otherwise... feel free to cardboard my characters.

This including--TRC!Kamui, Kotori, X!Subaru, Sayaka and Nakuru. I will be sending R!Sakura home to figure out once I'm back wtf to do with her.

Sorry again guys, sob. /distracts with a teeny!!

[info]capslockflail in [info]kiseki_ooc

Hey everyone - I'm officially calling my hiatus until my work for this month is mostly done. I'll still bop around and try to finish threads I'm currently in, but I doubt I'll be that active. Thanks!

Everyone's staying, except Kentarou, who's going home for now!