August 4th, 2010

[info]ima_naughtygirl in [info]kiseki_ooc

super late

full-blown hiatus because i'm hardcore like that. i've been helping my mom move so not really much time to rp. i'm gonna be super busy this weekend helping her... aaaaaand it's pretty likely that i'm going to be moving myself soon. so while my life is being all topsy-turvy like, cali is going on vacay back in cephiro.

see y'all on the flip side.

[info]notpretend in [info]kiseki_ooc


LOL UH guys when I said my pc was gonna explode? I was right!

It's dead atm (something to do with the... thing that distributes the electricity? most likely), so hiatus for now. It'll probably (and hopefully) not be too long, they're coming over to fix it tomorrow or on Friday, so :/b

Behave 'till then o/