June 25th, 2010

[info]failsatwife in [info]kiseki_ooc

Hey everyone. Short hiatus for me; I'm going away this weekend and will be without internet. Similarly, a certain detective needs my help to solve a case on Tuesday, so until I beat the new ND game, I'll probably be scarce. Thooough that'll only be a day or so, tops. So hiatus until Monday and semi-hiatus for a short period after? But everyone's staying and I'll be back soon. See you then!

/flies away

[info]ima_naughtygirl in [info]kiseki_ooc

Hey guys, just a heads up for my little semi-hiatus for the weekend. I'm volunteering to roast in the sun and draw a 20ft long 83 in the street so people can bike and not get hit by cars. I prolly won't be able to tag tomorrow night while (most of) you all are off and away in dream land because it's the full moon. Old people get extra crazy on the full moon.

See y'all laterrrrrrrrrrrz