June 15th, 2010

[info]failsatwife in [info]kiseki_ooc

New chara

I think I was supposed to app a girl or something but idek, guys. This just feels right somehow.

Lin here! Please add Kentarou [holy fuck your last name is long] from Duklyon, everyone! He's a superhero with dreams of being a housewife. He's pleased to meet you.

[info]anatagakaetan in [info]kiseki_ooc

Sob. So my computer's dead as some of you know already and other methods of being on are not worth the emotional hassle or are just too tedious; currently posting from phone orz. So I'm sorry but calling a hiatus (again. I know, I suck) until things settle down.

Affects TRC!Kamui, little!r!Sakura, X!Subaru and Sayaka. Thanks guys. :(;;;;

ETA: Well, maybe semi-hiatus... looks like I won't have a computer of my own for a couple of months, but I'll be trying to tag most in the mornings. Again, sorry for the inconvenience everyone.